Classes At The University Of Phoenix example essay topic

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As the job market gets more and more competitive and the need for an education with a degree becomes more a necessity, returning to school seemed to be my only option. Twenty years ago, I left the life of a student attending Louisiana State University to take a job with a local bank and the realization that receiving a paycheck was more important than my education. Now, as I look back, what a terrible mistake. What was I thinking? At the age of forty, I now find myself burning the midnight oil once again but this time, it is neither easy, nor as cheap. I am currently working as a taxer representative for a major real estate tax reporting company and have been for the past fifteen years.

I am very interested in making a career change in the next two years and I am focusing my attention on a sales position with a pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately, one of the requirements for this type of position is that you have at least have a bachelor's degree. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job and the benefits are not bad. I do travel a good bit of the time, but I don't mind. I would just like a little more financial security in today's business world along with the chance for advancement. As I began to consider my options for continuing my education, friends and acquaintances kept telling me about commercials that they were hearing advertising the University of Phoenix and how you could get your degree in two to three years.

I visited the Baton Rouge campus and signed up that day. I spent the next year in my core classes studying computers, business law and the study of ethics, critical thinking and how to apply ethics, marketing, and finance. I learned valuable information while in these classes but more importantly, I was given the opportunity to be part of a team. As a member of this team, I developed and refined many skills. I learned to value other's opinions and that mine were not always all that mattered. I had the opportunity to better both my speaking skills as well as my writing skills.

The team members worked together for the betterment of the group. Not only did this teach me to work as part of a team, but also it taught me valuable lessons about myself that I will carry with me and use in my job. While attending the University of Phoenix, I have noticed a change in the way I view life and all it has to offer. I have made changes in both my personal and professional life that I feel have been for the better. I can now look at ethical issues that involve my company or just everyday life in a whole new light.

As outlined in the previous paper, I have brought to the attention of my supervisor an ethical issue that involved our company. I worked with my company to bring about changes that corrected this ethical issue. I feel that my growth as a student while attending the University of Phoenix can be attributed to the quality of both the classes and their instructors. I know I am a better employee as a result of my studies and can continue to put to use the vast knowledge I have gained. Setting goals over the next five years may prove to be a much easier task now that I have started classes at the University of Phoenix. My life feels like it has some direction and meaning now.

I know where I want to be, and the steps that I need to take to get me there can now begin. As far as personal goals, I want to do some traveling with my family to Europe and Hawaii. Once I have graduated and have my summers free again, I plan to schedule a four-week vacation. I am also committed to getting back in shape through diet and exercise. I use to be an avid runner completing two local marathons with finishing times less than four hours. Because I was a runner, my diet was a very structured one.

I have begun fast pace walking in the evenings and will progress into light running over the next month. Because of school and other commitments over the past two years, I was forced to abandon my running or for that matter, any form of exercise. Finally, one of my biggest personal goals is to pay off some lingering credit card bills and to have my home mortgage paid off. I have recently re-financed my home loan and the lower interest rate will allow me to make some additional payments that will net an earlier payoff.

As stated previously, my professional goal is to take a position as a sales representative for a major pharmaceutical company. I have wanted to make this change in my career for quite a while and it now seems within reach. I have several friends that are currently working in this field and they have introduced me to some of the local agencies that hire for the major companies. Within the next five years I hope to be working as a sales representative and begin working toward the position of regional representative. I am currently in the process of trying to decide if I will be returning to the masters program here at the University of Phoenix.

I believe that you can never have enough education and would certainly welcome the opportunity to continue in this program. I am currently a member of the Louisiana Association of Tax Administrators and The Louisiana Association of Tax Assessors and I will be attending conferences for both of these organizations this month. Once I have secured a position with a pharmaceutical company, I am sure I will be attending shows or conferences to promote our company. In summary, I am not sure what my future will bring in regards to my personal, professional, or educational goals. I only know where I have come from and what the present holds. I do know that without the educational experience I have had at the University of Phoenix, I would be severely lacking in the areas of general knowledge and communication.

I have valuable information that no one can take from me and that I will continue to use no matter what life holds.