Clever Manka example essay topic

438 words
"Clever Manka" The short story of" Clever Manka", written by an anonymous writer delves into Compromise vs. Confrontation. The Burgomaster expresses interest in Manka after her She solves several riddles for him. The Burgomaster then takes Manka as his wife, but with conditions and impending consequence if she did not comply with them. He states, "You are not to use that cleverness of yours at my expense. I won't have you interfering in any of my cases. In fact, if you give advice to anyone who comes to me for judgment, I'll turn you out of my house at once and send you home to your father".

This is where the inner conflict for Manka begins she has to choose to compromise her qualities of cleverness in order to avoid future confrontation with her spouse. Manka makes the choice and busied her self with housework in order not interfere with his cases. Manka suppresses her qualities of cleverness until she is presented with a case she feels her husband mistakenly ruled upon. Manka does not compromise and finds courage and confidence to stand up for what she thinks is right. Although Manka had to face confrontation after her husband finds out she interfered in his ruling. Manka uses her qualities of cleverness to win back his heart and her husband embraces her abilities without restrictions.

By contrast, Mrs. Mallard speaks of a different form of oppression. She seems to suggest the unfairness in having to be inflicted or controlled by a man. Mrs. Mallard is also oppressed by the circumstances within her marriage. Mrs. Mallard however suppressed her feelings and of unhappiness and in which the story implies puts stress on her heart. The announcement of her husband death brings on conflicting feelings of grief and joy. Mrs. Mallard paradoxical statement about the death of her husband changes her perception about life.

"She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long. Mrs. Mallard changes her perception about life when she believes that her husband death would set her free from oppression. When Mrs. Mallard viewed her husband at the door, her previous thoughts of freedom had diminished and the shock of viewing her husband alive brought on sudden death from oppression.

The narrators depict both as women yearning to be happy within their marriages. Ironically both received the equality and freedom they both longed for but in different forms..