Collective Force Of Ambition example essay topic
Ambition made all seven of these many wonders and considering this, ambition is recognized as the superior wonder. From the conception to the design to the construction to the completion, ambition was the proverbial foreman. Ambition is the source of all that is good and all that is evil. It makes the wonders and it makes the wars. Ambition is the winner and loser of every game. Every football player, chess player, marathon runner, and Olympic athlete smells of fervor, which seeps from the pores of their ambition.
When years of dedication pass the baton to ambition, there is a sage to be reckoned with. One only wonders why in spite of the eternal paradoxical query what would happen if an irresistible force met with an irresistible force? Someone always has to lose. Ambition has been the backbone of every army, something that every army needs in order to conquer.
Ambition has been a part of many great ancient Egyptian wars, Persia, Hastings, Waterloo, the native American / greedy colonist battles, the world wars, the Balkans, and many other great conflicts that have ever existed. Each party was blessed purely by passionate ambition an ambition to win at whatever cost necessary. Surely, only the collective force of ambition found in a battle is liable to cause as much suffering and damage as has been caused by all battles that have ever been lost or won. Even the weakest, most injured warrior who persevered has been touched not by insanity, but by raw ambition, and even the most perturbed and exasperated warlord is supported not by his schemes, but by the ambition to realize them.
Ambition makes for healthy, wealthy, and wise. Observe this immortal quotation of Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right. ' The truth he successfully conveys is that anyone is the scribe of his own destiny. It is ambition that makes one think he can be successful, and lack of ambition that makes him think he cannot.