Conclusion The Movie Two Towers example essay topic

801 words
Lord of the Rings Two Towers A fun way to spend three hours of your day Lord of the Rings Two Towers is a movie based on a novel written by JRR Tolkien. The story is a fantasy battle between good and evil set within a land called middle earth. Nine companions embark on a journey to destroy the ring of Sauron. The quest to destroy the ring, will decide the fate of middle earth. The book presents a story so large I find it difficult to believe a director has managed to bring it to film in such a way that even the most die-hard book fan can enjoy. Although there are some drawbacks in the second movie, this will be a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for all ages.

The primary reason the movie is enjoyable would be the use of vivid imagery to enhance the story line. Every scene contains details that have significance to the descriptions presented in the book. A good example of this would be the tower at Mordor. Watching hundreds of thousands of Sauron's army crossing the bridge into the base of the tower shows the enormous task it will be to defeat evil.

The camera circles from the base of the tower to the top, showing the scale of the castle that surrounds the dark lord. The castle is an image of pure hate and evil that sets the mood of death and destruction prepared to tear through the lands of middle earth. The scope of the land used does not leave anything to the imagination when scenes change location. Use of wide-pan shots instill upon the viewer the distance the characters have to travel. Color depiction serves well to set the mood for the viewer. With the use of dark's and shades battle scenes are set with a feeling of disparity.

Bright colors enhance the mood in scenes that are light and cheery. Secondly, this movie shows a great depth of character not usually seen in movies today. The first movie establishes the characters, their friendships, love, and the desperation of their journey. The Two Towers allow the characters to grow beyond what we already know. Frodo (Elijah Wood) shows compassion for the creature Gollum who like himself was once a ring bearer. Wood's portrayal of Frodo shows worry and hope that the ring will not warp him as it has Gollum.

Frodo also comes to terms with the fact that this quest may kill him in the end and accepts his responsibility with courage. Gimlie (Orlando Bloom) began the quest as an elf-hating dwarf. Legolas (John Res-Davies) is a woodland elf that despises Dwarves. Legolas and Gimlie through their journey have gone from hatred and bigotry to friendship. Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), established as a future king is questioning his right to lead people, to their deaths. The feelings of being torn show well in the portrayal by Mortensen.

Love is also a driving factor in this film. The dynamics between Aragorn and A rowan (Liv Tyler) are well placed to give a breather between action scenes. Finally, there are certain drawbacks to making a movie of this scope. There are deviations from the original sequences found in the book. These deviations appear to be more for theatrical reasons than for story line. Peter Jackson, the director, has a good mindset of how the movie needed to evolve for film presentation.

The director's interpretation of the story, present the characters in ways that are not true to the book. The flow of the original battle at Sauroman's castle, for the involvement of the Ents is more of a willing role in the book, not a reactionary role as depicted in the movie. Also, the character Faramir is modified to add a connection between the plots of this movie and the next Return of the King. I believe that Peter Jackson did this more for movie flow than for the original dynamics of the book. I think the changes are more of a filming shortcut that cost the story line. In doing so, it gives a sense of incompleteness to the story and subtle things happen without the amount of preamble required to make them understandable.

In conclusion the movie Two Towers does not end, as other movies with the conventionally expected finale. Not until the last movie Return of the King, will we see a climax to the tale. The level of suspense and anticipation for the last movie makes Two Towers an enjoyable and rewarding experience for anyone to watch.