Constant Abundance Of Change In Our Lives example essay topic

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is something that is constantly occurring in our lives. Not a single moment goes by when everything in our lives will remain consistent. Indeed, it has become apparent to us that the only thing which in fact survives change, is change itself. Time and experience allows change to eventually reform and alter everything from the way it originally was. From ourselves physically, to those around us emotionally, to the way in which we perceive the entirety of the world everything it eventually changes. Most of the time we are not even explicitly aware of such changes occurring, but none-the-less they are indeed occurring.

Change is a natural process that cannot be easily stopped or controlled. When we think of the things we valued at the age of, five, ten and even fifteen, the constant abundance of change in our lives become apparent. However, it is due to the unpredictability that change promotes in our life, that has made many perceive the ideology of change to be something which should be viewed as a negative in our lives today. However, we should passionately revolt against this notion. It is change which has bought about some of the greatest events in history. Had their not have been change in our past, there would never have been an industrial revolution and we would not be able to live in the liberalist country in which we do today, where we can voice our opinions without being under threat of persecution.

This embracement of change which we should constantly strive for, is no better exercised, that it is through the poem The Door, by Miroslav Holub. This short poem, which was present in the stimulus booklet, effectively presents a dramatic monologue which encapsulates the concept of change on a physical, social and emotional level. Through the poem the door, the poet, is trying to convey to the responder, that life is too short for us to simply try and keep things constant at all times. We have to make change our ally and use it to enrich our lives, and allow it to transform us into stronger, superior beings. The poet is integrating the use of dual metaphor, The Door, to convey to us that getting what we want out of life, is as simple as opening a door, and allowing yourself to become exposed to a completely new environment.

The poet is addressing today's society and almost sati rising our constant fear of change and failure, conveying to us that even if we take a risk in our life, and we feel as if we are lost, the mist of confusion will eventually lift, and we will be left with an enriched, fulfilled life. This is adamant in the lines " go ad open the door, if there is a fog, it will clear". Miroslav Holub, is telling us that we need to embrace as change will always be present in our life, and it is only through change that we can grow and form as strong passionate beings. However, although we have come far as a society, and can now only embrace change but seek to instigate it, there are still some parts of modern living which always seem to remain constant, and refuse to embrace change and this is no better exemplified than it is in the area concerning racial intolerance and our eagerness to persecute the minorities. In the song "changes", by Tupac, the African American rapper discusses the ideas that whilst many things around us are changing, there is still a hatred existing between human beings... a hatred which has been ignited so fervently, that we are walking around with an internal fire burning within our minds, fuel led by detestation. Whilst many people perceive racism to be a thing of the past, a thing that has been exorcised due to change in our actions, it is still very much present in our lives.

After, the recent terrorist attacks, a change in the manner in which we perceive those of ethic minority groups to act, has occurred, causing them to receive a form of racism which is fierce, unjust, and fuel led by burning abhorrence. The line, "I see no change all I see is racist faces, misplaced hate makes disgrace to races", really exercises the anger which those of racial minority groups feel when after so many years, the way in which we perceive them, has still not altered from what it did many years ago. We need to change the way in which we perceive the unfamiliar to be... in fact we need to embrace the unfamiliar just as greatly as we need to embrace change itself. As Denis Whitley once said " There are two primary choices in life; to conditions as they exist or accept responsibility for changing them", and it is with this mentality that we should learn to embrace all forms of change, and know wether it be social, physical, emotional or even spiritual, all forms of change that occur during our life, simply mould us into becoming more compassionate individuals, and that it is only through the embracement of change that we can embark on a fulfilled journey through our life.