Control Of Team example essay topic

338 words
Taking a management issue (e.g. managerial ism in general, culture, identity, ethics, gender, control & surveillance etc) of your choice, critically explore and analyse its impact on a contemporary organisation. This can either be an organisation which you have worked in (or a member of your family has worked in) or it may be a well known organisation e.g. British Airways, BBC, Barclays Bank etc. This analysis should be presented in two parts as follows: 1. Abstract (250-300 words) worth 10% of overall marks. This should be submitted to the School of Business and Management Office no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 10 December 2003.

This will be returned to you on Friday 19 December 2003. Ezzamel, M. & Will mott, H. 1998: 'Accounting for team work: A critical study of group-based systems of organisational control', Administrative Science Quarterly, Special Issue, July. (get proper reference) Sewell, G. 1999: 'The discipline of teams: The control of team-based industrial work through electronic and peer surveillance', Administrative Science Quarterly, 43: 2, pp. 397-428. Knights, D. & McCabe, D. 2000: 'Bewitched, bothered and bewildered: The meaning and experience of team working for employees in an automobile company', Human Relations, 53: 11, pp. 1481-1517. Davies, C. 1989: 'Goffman's concept of the total institution: Criticisms and revisions', Human Studies, 12, pp. 77-95.

Gabriel, Y. 1999: 'Beyond happy families: A critical reevaluation of the control-resistance-identity triangle', Human Relations, 52: 2, pp. 179-203. Knights, D. & McCabe, D. 2000: 'Ain't misbehavin'? Opportunities for resistance under new forms of 'quality' management', Sociology, 34: 3, pp. 421-436.2. Essay (3000-3500 words) worth 90% of overall marks. This should be submitted to the School of Business and Management Office no later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday 28 January 2004. This will be returned to you on Friday 20 February 2004.

The coursework will be discussed during the module seminars. Individuals can also come and discuss their abstract and essay during my clinic hours.