Conversation Through The Over Use Of Words example essay topic

488 words
Chapter 15: Language and Communication During my observations I found that most men who appeared to be associates did not engage in a large range of topics, one of which was never spoken between the two were topics involving their personal relationships. They usually talked about the things they already knew they had in common for example a class or an obvious previously discussed topic of little importance. For the most part they spoke and continued walking. Unlike girls, who found things that complimented one another to discuss. For example "where'd you get those shoes from?" or "I like that purse". Which brings us to the obvious conclusions that men and women communicate similar, yet think differently ultimately causing the somewhat miscommunication.

To support this theory I bring the example of a common miscommunication between Men and women engaged in a relationship. The man wants to go somewhere with his friends, but the woman wants the man to stay and spend time with her, the woman wants the man to chose her over his friends testing him by telling him to do what he pleases. The male unaware apparently, chooses to spend time with his friends over his lady companion; thus leaving the lady upset that he did not choose her. Strangely the situations outcome shifts when the same genders interact with an authority figure. Women professors tend to be more lenient with those of the opposite sex rather than the same, and vise versa.

The men use there so call sex appeal to try and effectively communicate with the teacher same with girls. For the most part both genders claim to try and cut out all there slang and use larger words they would normally avoid saying. This is done to appear to be closer to the level of the authoritie figure they are presenting themselves to. I have personally found that men and women who have not previously met awkwardly try to engage in a conversation that interests both parties. For example, a male that wants to talk to a female but does not come right out and ask for her number.

He finds other ways of interacting with her. He might sit next to her in class and start small talk by asking about assignments and progressively move to in fact trying to get her number by relating it to there few possible connections. For the most part I myself have found the males plan unsuccessful and pretty obvious to the female. In conclusion, women tend to prolong a conversation through the over use of words where as men like to keep things sweet and simple.

Rambling causes men to unconsciously ignore what a the women says assuming that the women is merely rambling as usual, blocking out the most effective step in communication, listening.