Court Composer And The Other Spot example essay topic

568 words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a key composer during the Classical Period of music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived at a small town and after that he moved to Austria and he composed operas for the emperor. At that time, there were tow prized positions of employment for a composer; he could either be the Court Composer and the Capellmeister. If you were the court composer you were the composer to the King or Emperor, and if you were the Capellmeister you were the church composer. In the movie both of those two positions had been taken. One of them had been taken from Salieri, he was the court composer and the other spot had been taken as well, by someone else.

In the period that Mozart lived there were no cars or there were only a few cars and it was very difficult to move around, and when someone was sick or hurt they either had to bring him to the doctor on a cart or for men had to carry something like a bucket and the sick or hurt person was inside the bucket. As I had already indicated above in the period that Mozart lived there were two priced positions for a composer. Mozart wanted to became court composer so he was very jealous of Salieri. Salieri on the other hand was very jealous of Mozart because Mozart was a very good musician.

Mozart also had a very good hearing; actually his hearing was so good that when he heard something for the first time he could play it on the piano. He didn't only have good hearing he also had a very rare talent. That talent was that he could make music up on the spot: like if someone else gave him a piece of music he could add up other parts and make the piece more interesting. In the time that Mozart lived I think that musicians or composers had a very big role in the community.

I came to that conclusion because they did the operas for the emperor and when I watched the film the emperor really liked the operas and without musicians he wouldn't be able to make operas. On the film the emperor wouldn't allow the opera named the marriage of Frederic to be played because of political reasons and because it contained some scenes that would make the people want revolution. And now that I mentioned that I would like to say that the job that Mozart wouldn't do was teach the emperors daughter. As a child Mozart toured Europe and became widely regarded as a miracle of nature because of his music talent as a performer of piano, harpsichord, and organ and as a composer of instrumental and vocal music.

Mozart is considered one of the most brilliant and versatile composers ever. He worked in all musical genres, wrote inspired works in each genre, and produced an extraordinary number of compositions, especially considering his short life. By the time Mozart died at age 35, he had completed 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 17 piano sonatas, 7 major operas, and numerous works for vice and other instruments. Mozart works were catalogued chronologically by Austrian music bibliographer Ludwig von K"och el, who published his catalogue in 1862.