Credit Card example essay topic

293 words
High school is a critical time in the lives of young teens. This is where we learn the foundation of our careers, be it whatever it may be. There are many things the administration does not add to the curriculum that I feel are essential to living a financially prosperous life. During this age teens are introduced to money by their parents, but are not taught how to manage it. They are not taught the essentials to having good credit, credit cards and bank accounts. Financial illiteracy can cause many problems to our kids, therefore affecting our society as a whole.

I strongly recommend the administrators to provide a course that teaches the students money management. Throughout high school I never had a credit card because my parents had bad experiences with them. I didn't want to get one and end up like my parents, bankrupt and owing a lot of money to the credit card companies. Whenever I heard credit cards I heard debt and bankruptcy until I was taught by one of my teachers outside of class. He showed me how they can work in your favor, by building your credit for future uses such as buying a house or a car. Being the team captain meant I had to be responsible not only for myself but for my fellow teammates as well.

One of the situations that helped me develop this characteristic was getting ready for practice on time. After getting to practice on time I had to make sure the field was set up properly with cones in their place and the field marked with chalk, and also that my fellow teammates did their assigned jobs.