Cuban Missile Crisis Internet When Kennedy example essay topic
(Encyclopedia Britannica published 1988) He tried to resolve threw the United Nation because the other two were too risky the air strike would fail because of Russians S.A. M sites. He did not want to go for a direct strike against Cuba because they tried a few months ago the get out the communist's government and needed in a complete failure. (World Book Encyclopedia published 1993) The president had to make some sort of dissension relating to the nuclear missals in Cuba and how to stop the Russians from completing their nuclear silos in Cuba. He was very limited to what he was able to do abort the situation he had three base ideas an air strike, a direct invasion, or a settlement through the United Nations. The takes through the United Nation was the least to cause a serous dilemma and a reaction to his di sition (Kennedy was fearful of a total nuclear world war). But when the soviets dinned that there was any Russian nuclear base in Cuba and could not reach a comprise.
Kennedy did not want to have a direct invasion because it might happen like the Bay of Pigs invasion. And an air strike would show the Russians that they were hostile and might cause the soviets to launch their missiles at America. (Cuban missile internet) After consultation with the secretary of defense he decided for a navel blockade witch had the least repercussions in the months to come. (Encyclopedia americana published 1988 For the navel blockade to work Kennedy needed at least 60% of his battle ships to surround Cuba and prevent any soviet ships from reaching Cuba.
After the bay of pigs invasion the Cuban-American relationships were almost none excepted, and also Cuba changed to a communists country witched did not improve relationships but Cuba and America were at least still trading with each other but after the Cuban missile crisis thy stooped trading. And now America had a hostile nab or witch had some nuclear missiles left over from the soviets left Cuba. America never had a very good relationship with Cuba but now they were hostile, close, and access the nuclear missiles and nuclear warheads. The people of Cuba resented America for many years after the blockade and the Cuban missile crises.
With more resent maters in mind the country of Cuba became resentful of the Soviet Union and expressed hatred towards America Castro wanted Ade from the soviet goverment because of the resent attack on Cuba the kick out the newly elected communist party but failed. So cast believed that America would try it again to get rid of the communist government in Cuba also since there country was communist and America did not want to trade with to Cuba so they had to find another communist country to trade with them because no democratic country would ever trade with a communist state. So Russia was one of the most obvious dissension because they were communists and very willing to help out a fledging nation because they would be able to build a nuclear base for the ability to position their missiles closer to the enemy targets (America and some of Canada) and the country that they where helping out would feel safe next to a super power because that had someone backing then up. Cuba other reason was that gust in case that America invaded Cuba the Cuban people would feel safe because they would have a super power backing them up. The Bay of Pigs invasion greatly influenced the Cuban missile crisis. The bay of pigs invasion was a plan to get rid of the communist party in Cuba via a direct strike Kennedy suspected that the Cuban gorillas would help them out because of their openness in the strike.
Its failure occurred because at the last minute Kennedy recalled the air support strategic land to air missile sites or S.A.M. sites for short. These would cause too much loss of aircraft and strategic boomers. When the inverted stormed the shores they were unable to advance because of the gun turrets stooped their advance and at the later end they had to pull out because of grate lose. This was a very embracing mater because they had lost a grate deal of tropes to a lesser country.
The people of Cuba that despised the America turned its dislike to hatred of America and its people. American would feel the repercussions for the next couple of years. It deterred friendship between Cuba and America also Kennedy had a much closer touch to total nuclear war fair.
Cuban missile crisis {Internet} October 15, 1999 URL: web Encyclopedia Americana published in 1988 published by Grolier incorporate{pg.
306-307} Encyclopedia Britannica Macromedia published in 1995 published by encyclopedia Britannica incorporated {pg.
358} The Cuban missile crisis {internet} September 18, 1999 URL: web World Book Encyclopedia published in 1993 published by world Book incorporated {pg 1179}.