Cure To Iron Deficiency Anemia example essay topic

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Disease Related to Nutrition Paper The purpose of this paper is to define the disease called Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA). In this paper I will discuss the disease effect and their actions. The casual factors, the populations are susceptible to this disease. The role of diet used in the prevention, the diet used in the management of the disease, and if there is a cure for this disease will diet be a part of this cure.

Iron Deficiency Anemia (also called IDA) is a condition where a person has inadequate amounts of iron to meet body demands. It is a decrease in the amount of red cells in the blood caused by having too little iron. IDA is usually caused by a diet insufficient in iron or from blood loss. Blood loss can be acute as in hemorrhage or trauma or long term as in heavy menstruation. The organs that affect the disease are the spleen and liver.

Iron is need to form hemoglobin, and is mostly stored in the body in the hemoglobin. About 30 percent of the iron is also stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in the bone marrow, spleen, and liver. The symptoms would be enlarging spleen, pale skin color due to the liver, fatigue, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and sore or swollen tongue (vita digest. com) Iron deficiency anemia may be caused by the many factors. The main causes of iron deficiency are: poor absorption of iron by the body (Vitamin C aides in iron absorption), inadequate daily intake of iron, pregnancy, growth spurts or blood loss due to heavy period or internal bleeding. Anemia develops slowly after the normal stores of iron have been depleted in the body and in the bone marrow.

Women, in general, have smaller stores of iron than men. Women also loose iron more frequently than men because of the blood loss during menstruation. In men and postmenopausal women, anemia is usually due to gastrointestinal blood loss associated with ulcers, the use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS), or colon cancer. Diets low in iron, iron is obtained from foods in our diet, however only 1 mg of iron of absorbed for every 10 to 20 mg of iron ingested. A person unable to have a balanced iron-rich diet may suffer from some degree of iron-deficiency anemia. An increased iron requirement and increased red blood cell production is required when the body is going through changes such as growth spurts in children and adolescents, or during pregnancy and lactation.

Malabsorption of iron is common after some forms of gastrointestinal surgeries. Most of the iron taken in by foods is absorbed in the upper small intestine. Any abnormalities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract could alter iron absorption. High-risk groups include: women of child-bearing age who have blood loss through menstruation; pregnant or lactating women who have an increased requirement for iron; infants, children, and adolescents in rapid growth phases; and people with a poor dietary intake of iron through a diet of little or no meat or eggs for several years.

Risk factors related to blood loss are peptic ulcer disease, long-term aspirin use, or colon cancer. Vegetarians are at risk of developing anemia. This usually occurs because they don't eat meat, especially red meat that is high in iron. However, vegetarians don't always develop anemia. There are many vegetables that contain iron such as broccoli and spinach (umm. edu). Maintaining an adequate iron intake through a well-balanced diet or iron supplements best attains prevention.

The most important part of treatment for iron-deficiency anemia is to correct the underlying cause. Iron deficiency can be treated well with iron supplement. It is best to take iron on an empty stomach for best absorption. If you take other medications, wait at least 2 hours after taking iron before taking them. Antacids and tetracycline especially interfere with iron absorption. Because liquid iron supplements may discolor the teeth, a child should drink any liquid iron preparation through a straw.

Iron supplements may also cause black bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation (Master, 1999). Adults should limit milk to 1 pint a day. It interferes with iron absorption. Eat protein - and iron-containing foods, including meat, beans and leafy green vegetables. Increase dietary fiber. An iron rich diet usually is the answer to the question of how to eliminate the deficiency of iron.

Meat is perhaps the most iron rich and iron absorbable of foods. Fish and poultry also contain high levels of iron with minimal fat (6). Shrimp will work as well, containing up to 3 mg of iron and 15% of this iron is absorbed. For those more daring eaters, squirrel meat offers about 6 mg of iron per 3 ounces with an absorption of 15% These foods are referred to as heme (hemoglobin) iron groups, those iron rich foods obtained from the flesh of animals, fish, or eggs. On the other hand, prune juice and raisins also offer reasonable amounts of iron ranging from 2-3 mg. Adding vitamin C to your diet when eating iron foods will increase the amount of iron that is absorbed.

Citrus fruits, broccoli, and tomato all contain vitamin C. Inorganic iron sources, or non-heme iron; include vegetables such as legumes and grains. It may be surprising to know that spinach, although it contains some iron, is not a top choice for an iron boost. In fact, this is one of the most common misconceptions. The idea that consumption of spinach is the answer to all your iron needs is false.

The fact remains, it is not the answer. Rather, spinach tends to block the absorption of iron such as do some substances found in coffee, chocolate, tea, and soy products. Therefore, the consumption of these foods in hopes of obtaining iron is not advisable and should be limited. Some breakfast cereals such as General Mills Total contain up to 18 mg of iron with 5% absorption (6). The bottom line is concerning diet, there are many options an individual can choose from when iron is needed in their diet (Logan, 1999). There is a cure for this disease.

Iron deficiency anemia is cured in two to three months with oral administration of iron sulfate. Other iron compounds, more expensive and marketed under the claim they " re better tolerated by the digestive tract, present an unsatisfactory absorption. To attempt to treat iron deficiency anemia with iron-rich foods has no basis: dietary iron is always insufficient for this purpose. If the cause of iron deficiency anemia persists, as, for instance, in untreatable hyper menor rhea cases, anemia will recur in some months or years after the cure with the treatment.

A periodic hemogram control is suggested, with repeat treatment when necessary. Diet is a part of this cure to iron deficiency anemia. A diet in iron-rich is recommended. To conclude this, I had found much information on iron deficiency anemia. The affect of the disease and their actions. Diet played a big role in preventing and managing this disease, and there is a cure for this disease.

It consisted of iron-rich diet, and diet is a part of this cure. Work Cited ABC da Saudi. Com (2000). Iron Deficiency Anemia. Retrieved on August 9, 2003 web Logan, R. H, (1999). Iron Deficiency and Anemia: The Problem, the Prevention, the Solution.

Retrieved August 9, 2003, from Members of AOL website: web Master, F (1999). Homeopathic Healing: To Cure Anemia treat Cause. Retrieved August 9, 2003, from health Library website: web University of Maryland Medicine. Com (2003). Iron-Deficiency Anemia-Blood Disease & Disorder. Retrieved on August 9, 2003 web Vita Digest.

Com (2000): Iron Deficiency Anemia. Retrieved on August 9, 2003 web.