Daily Life Of Islam's Followers example essay topic

568 words
Maria WelschBill Haley Phil. 1043 March 2004 Five Pillars of Islam In order to follow the right path in the Islam religion its followers, Muslims, are required to practice its five pillars, or duties. Each of these duties is mentioned in the Quran; however, scholars have found a more detailed explanation in the Hadith. The five pillars are uttering the Shahada, prayer, , participating in the fast, and a pilgrimage to Mecca. The first of the five duties is uttering the Shahada, a phrase that declares the faith of the follower. The phrase is, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is His messenger".

This phrase is used in the daily life of Islam's followers, because this phrase illustrates the central beliefs in the Islam faith. The second ritual duty is prayer. Muslims are obligated to pray five times each day. The prayer sessions must take place at designated times of the day and following the proper procedures. These designated times are at dawn, midday, in the afternoon, during the evening, and at sunset. Before prayer begins Islam's followers must cleanse themselves both physically and mentally to achieve the purity required to engage in prayer.

Prayer also must follow a cycle. Tak bir is the first step in the cycle. This step is the opening sutra which means that the follower says, "Allahu akbar", which mean "God is great". At this point the worshiper will perform four postures, standing, bowing, post rating, and sitting. With each of these postures there is a set of utterances that go along with them. Prayer is a large part of a Muslim's daily activities, because they are required to pray so often and must follow the certain guide lines of prayer.

The, or required almsgiving, is the third of Islam's duties. This duty means that Muslims must take care of one another. The church requires its followers whose earnings are more substantial than others to pay a certain amount to the church that will then disperse the money to other Muslims that are in need of the money. This duty means that the Islam faith will be there spiritually and monetarily for its followers. The fourth requirement is for Islam followers to participate in a fast each year during Ramadan. Ramadan takes place in the ninth month of the Islam calendar.

During the fast Muslims must avoid eating, drinking, participating in any sexual activities, and smoking during daylight hours. Ramadan displays the Muslims strength of faith by the emphasis that is placed on communal worship and family and social ties. The fifth and last pillar of faith is the pilgrimage to Mecca, or the Hajj. This pillar requires that any Muslim that is in stable health and financially able to go to Mecca.

Upon arrival at Mecca each follower is stripped of all material possessions and given the same robes to wear. During the Hajj the followers will perform rituals that will bring them closer to God. Each of these five pillars is important for Muslims to practice in their lives. These duties guide the follower of Islam on the right path. By following these pillars the Muslim will be sure to walk straight on their path to righteousness.