Dave Matthews Band example essay topic

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Dave Matthews, aided by his incredibly talented band-mates, created music that filled a spiritual void in his fans' lives, replacing separatism with multicultural tolerance not usually advocated in today's society, using grass roots touring and advertising methods. Dave Matthews' culturally diverse background helped him to develop a culturally tolerant mentality. Most of Dave Matthews' tolerant outlook on society can be traced back to his exposure at a young age to various cultures and societies, while his family relocated frequently. Dave Matthews was born January 9, 1967 in Johannesburg, South Africa. When Dave Matthews was two years old his family moved to Westchester County, NY, so his father could work for IBM. Dave separated from his family and went to Cambridge in the early 70's returning before 1977, the year his father died.

The Matthews family relocated to Johannesburg in the early 80's. Dave moved to Charlottesville, VA in 1986, where his parents lived before he was born. Dave Matthews took piano lessons as a child in Charlottesville, before picking up the guitar at age nine. Dave Matthews accredits his openness both mentally and musically to time spent in many different places as a child.

Dave Matthews received schooling while moving between South Africa and Virginia, leaving little impact on the formation of Matthews' culturally tolerant mindset. Dave Matthews had the majority of his schooling while living with his mom in South Africa. Dave claims to have "got more wise about the evils of government" while attending school. Dave Matthews took formal piano lessons while growing up in Charlottesville, before picking up the guitar at age nine. The most significant factor in Dave Matthews' childhood was probably the fact he was exposed to so many different cultures by living in many places while growing up. The potpourri of cultures that Matthews was exposed to at an early age, led to the development of his tolerant mentality.

Dave Matthews set an aimed for the Dave Matthews Band to carry on their "grass roots" mentality of touring and releasing live albums, which inadvertently spread the Dave Matthews Band's tolerant mindset during their unpredictably successful tour. While working as a bartender in Millers, a hot club on the jazz circuit, Matthews hatched the idea to form his own band. Matthews says "I didn't really have a vision or a plan". I believe that being surrounded constantly with fresh new talent inspired Matthews to strive to be like those talented individuals that frequented his bar. Dave Matthews was uncompromising on his grass roots touring methods, and in his boldness he achieved success and spread his message of anti-racial assertiveness to millions.

Many individual successes were achieved that make up the legacy of the Dave Matthews Band. Dave Matthews in collaboration with local jazz guru John D'earth picked out some outstanding musicians from the local jazz scene to record some of Matthews's songs on tape. The newly formed "Dave Matthews Band" played gigs frequently and became increasingly popular at local college frat house parties. From the beginning until the present the Dave Matthews Band keeps a grass roots mentality, earning most of their fan base through tours, and using their independent label "Bama Rags" to help other striving musicians. The Dave Matthews Band recorded an album on their independent label "Bama Rags" called "Remember Two Things", which was certified gold by RIAA and sold over 150,000 copies, mostly out of car trunks.

DMB released their RCA debut "Under The Table And Dreaming" in early 1994, which was certified four times platinum by the time they reached the end of their wildly successful 1995 summer tour. The DMB's Album "Crash" debuted at number 2 on the billboard 200. DMB successfully toured all throughout 1997. The DMB's Album "Before These Crowded Streets" replaced the Titanic soundtrack to take the number one spot on the Billboard 200. Bama RagsRCA released "Live at Red Rocks 8-15-95". January 19, 1999 Bama RagsRCA released "Live at Luther College: An Acoustic Performance by Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds", debuting at number two on the Billboard 200.

November 23, 1999 Bama RagsRCA released "Listener Supported"; the album was instantly certified double platinum by the RIAA. DMB had yet another successful tour throughout 2000. The Dave Matthews Band met in LA with Glen Ballard to discuss a few songs, and in a burst of creative energy the ensemble created 12 entirely new songs and formed the album "Everyday" which was released February 27, 2001. Dave Matthews biggest influence on his style of playing would probably be his broad cultural views accumulated as a child growing up in many different places. However, Matthews attributes much of his style to his piano lessons, and his almost drummer-like fret board technique. He claims that his role models are the group of talented musicians he plays with and modestly calls his "superiors".

Those band-mates being: Carter Beaufort (Drums), Leroy Moore (Saxophone), Stefan Lessard (Bass), Boyd Tinsley (Violin), and non-official band member Tim Reynolds (guitar). While fulfilling Dave Matthews' aim, carrying on the "grass roots" mentality of touring, the Dave Matthews Band was recognized and awarded by many as they spread their tolerant outlook on many different cultures. Being Certified Platinum multiple times is quite an achievement in itself, but to do it on albums simply advertised by word of mouth is almost unheard of. Not to mention Dave Matthews' outstanding ability to keep pumping out fresh songs over a span of 9 years in a market where trends usually cause music to remain popular for only months at a time. The grass roots mentality displayed by the Dave Matthews Band is not dead, it is still preserved by such bands as Phish and Incubus, however the Dave Matthews Band played a highly significant role in keeping the spirit alive. Awards include 4 certified platinum albums, and a certified gold independent album.

With nine aforementioned albums under his belt, Matthews has already led an incredible musical career. Dave Matthews, a talented, original, and incredibly modest man, would most likely want people to remember him as an innovator in the field of music who, through inspiring lyrics and musical talent, spread his vision of cultural tolerance to millions. Although Dave Matthews has led an incredible life and musical career featuring four platinum albums, a gold independent album, and multiple successful tours, he remains quite modest. He doesn't gloat like many other successful artists, and most of his new records, especially his live albums, have not been advertised at all, but rely on word of mouth from his incredibly large fan-base. Dave Matthews probably wants to be remembered by his fans for the outstanding musician he is and for the outstanding group of individuals he played with. If it were to happen that an obituary should have to be written, it would probably list all of Matthews many life achievements, his diverse cultural roots, and most memorably, the style of which Matthews uniquely played and sang.

His unique style of playing brought joy to millions, and also helped spread his mentality of cultural acceptance that is present in his songs. Dave Matthews was an outstanding musician who brought something new to the table when the music industry was dominated by rap and grunge music. His music, instead of containing lyrics that hold contempt for others, preached acceptance of all cultures. Matthews was also incredibly successful with multiple prosperous tours and a vast fan-base that allowed Matthews to achieve four platinum albums, and a gold independent album. Dave Matthews' music preaches acceptance of cultures, and I believe that Matthews intends to change people's point of view on different cultures through his lyrics. Dave Matthews describes his songs as "therapy", an effort to help listeners cope with a society "where racism is absolutely alive" and where people can be overwhelmed by a world reeling forward uncontrollably.

"I try to suggest a feeling in my music-forgiveness, frustration, anxiety-but avoid the politics, and let the people make up their own mind.".