Different Structures Express Different Information Readers example essay topic

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The structure of a story is the main key which provides a better understanding and insight analysis to the reader. The elements of structure are time, setting, and character. Each individual element shapes the world of a story, and outlines the values or information which the writer is trying to the readers. In the articles!" Boys!" and! SSOrientation!" we can see totally different structures. By comparing these two stories, the two writers present their stories in totally different ways.

The! SSBoys!" is narrated in a chronology linear to give readers the process of growing up, and the! SSOrientation!" is using traditional structure with humor factor to reflect the office life. In his story!" Boys, !" Rick Moody narrates the process of growing up of boys. The author mentions every single outcome that most of the boys are likely to encounter in their lives.

Boys grow up by experiencing some major incidents. In this case, the writer uses the death of their father as an example of that major incident. In another story!" Orientation, !" Daniel Orozco describes the scenario in the office. Orozco brings out the typical office affairs to reflect social structure and human relationship. In! SSBoys, !" the writer condenses the boys! | life into one paragraph.

Even though it is a story with thirty-year time frame, the narrative way! Stone paragraph!" makes every single account similar. As if readers are looking at the world from a high place. Moody uses repetition, !" Boys enter the house!" in every sentence, makes a connection on every single account in boys! | life.

It indicates that every outcome that happens before the turning point is relatively immature. This particular style, repetition, emphasizes the symbolism of the growing process and maturity. The story is based on a thirty-year time frame; from infancy to adulthood. It consists a chronology linear of thirty-year which indicates the amount of the time that boys need to transform to men. The writer condenses the whole story into a paragraph with one incident followed by the other which reflects the pace of time as they age. In!

SSOrientation, !" Orozco uses a strictly experimental description on the setting of the office scenario. The story is not in sequence. It is a non-chronological structure. There is no time frame but just plain description on people and environment. The writer uses humor and exaggerates elements to make the description more interesting and lively.

For example, he describes a weirdo in the office! SS Kevin Howard sits in that cubicle over there. He is a serial killer, the one they call the Carpet Cutter, responsible for the mutilations across town. !" (Orozco, 5-6) He gives much detail description on the characteristic of each person in the office, in the way that shows the realistic office life. It is a symbolic of reality that the whole story is like an orientation to a new comer in the office.

That is the reason why the author chooses to present the story in second person point of view. By comparing these two stories, there are many different in their structure. In! SSBoys, !" Moody uses chronological structure to go through boys! | lives. The reason why Orozco didn! |t choose to use chronological structure is because the!

SSOrientation!" is not a narration but more like a conversation. Since it is a conversation basis story with straight description on the characteristics, the! SSOrientation!" is considered as naturalism. The repetition structure in! SSBoys!" emphasizes the theme of immaturity. On the other hand, there is no repetition in!

SSOrientation. !" Unlike! SSBoys, !" there are many precise descriptions on the characters in! SSOrientation. !" It is because! SSBoys!" portray in a general term.

It is essential for Orozco to separate the characteristics into different sections; in order to categorize individual personality. In these two stories, writers choose to use different structures to deliver different information to readers. In! SSBoys, !" the chronology linear structure allows readers observing the growing process of boys efficiently. If the story does not organize in sequent with a time frame, all the account will be irrelevant. Apart from using the chronological structure, Moody adopts repetition to reinforce his idea of immaturity.

For example, we can see! SSBoys enter the house!" in every sentence. The writer condenses the whole story into a paragraph to allow the readers to observe the process of immaturity as a paragraph in boys! | lives story. By combining all the three elements mentioned above, the readers can see all these events in a much universal point of view. In! SSOrientation, !" Orzo co uses non- chronological and strictly experimental structure to give readers a straight and clear description on each character.

Since it is a conversation basis story, it is inappropriate to set a time frame in the story. By using this kind of organization, the writer provides readers a casual reading environment. The readers can take into account more comprehensively. The writer uses comical expression to outline each individual characteristic and event. In that way, such serious topics become more dramatic and interesting. For example, the writer makes fun on the complex office relationship.

(Paragraph 9) By looking through the two stories, we can see how important the structure is in illustrating the theme. The chronological structure makes the! SSBoys!" more organized and smooth. It allows readers to evaluate their experiences with the story. The strictly experimental structure in! SSOrientation!" gives a straight-to-the-point analysis to office life, and makes fun on the reality.

In conclusion, different structures express different information readers.