Discrimination Of Blacks And Homosexuals example essay topic

681 words
Should same sex marriages be allowed? I feel that the ban on same sex marriages is unconstitutional. Now I am not saying that our government should interfere with what the Church's standings are and force them to accept this. But why is it when two Atheist people get "married" by a judge, it is considered a marriage. I thought that Atheist didn't believe in God at all. Being homosexual is not a Religion so I am assuming that most of them do believe in God.

I feel that they should have the same rights as any person would who got married by a judge. If two homosexual want to be married, the only thing that is possible for them is a civil union. This does provide them with some of the same benefits as a heterosexual married couple, but not all. We live in a country where we are taught that everyone has the same rights and we should not discriminate.

All throughout our past we have discriminated against a certain race or whatever. Now we accept Blacks as people even though everyone thought that we were above all of them and believe that would always be true. Look at our society today, Blacks are equal to us, even though some people would like it if they were not and will not admit to that. Could the discrimination of Blacks and homosexuals be related?

I believe so. I feel that eventually people are going to look back at this situation and laugh at how narrow minded we were during this time. A lot of people would argue that when a homosexual couple raises a child, the child could be affected. I completely disagree with this statement. My best friends' mother is a homosexual and while she is not married she has a live in girlfriend. He is a completely normal kid who is popular, plays football, gets outstanding grades and has a steady girlfriend who is fine with the fact that his mother is a homosexual.

If two people truly love each other, especially in today's day and age where the divorce rate is at an all time high, how can our government say that they can't be married unless they are two different sexes? So what is next the government is going to tell me who I have to marry? I think not. It is really sad that our government is trying to keep this a law when it clearly goes against so many or our freedoms and rights. My personal opinion on this whole situation is; people are afraid to accept change. We live in a day and age where people accept things or don't, and I really feel that too many people feel this is weird or immoral.

How can two people being in love and truly caring for each other be immoral? People just don't want to see two homosexuals showing any form of public displays of affection, well frankly maybe I don't want to see you showing any p. d. a. I don't complain about seeing you do that, so what gives you the right to call them names and complain? Just because it is different then what you are used to?

I don't think so. They are human beings and I truly do believe that it is not a choice to be a homosexual. Why would anyone on this earth truly want to go through that much humiliation? I believe that everyone should be allowed to be with whoever they want, whether they are homosexual or heterosexual.

It is not a choice and you can't help who you love. Marriage is between two people who truly love each other so let them be, allow them to have the same rights as everyone else and call it a marriage, not a civil union that truly makes them different from everyone else.