Drama To The Movie example essay topic

459 words
A Separate Peace Action, Adventure, Guilt, some of the characteristics of the book A Separate Peace. A tragic story about the events of a boys life named Finny. Finny and his best friend, or his arch rival, horse around and play games until things get crazy and someone gets hurt. All of these traits of this book would make a great movie for young moviegoers everywhere. A Separate Peace would make a good movie because of the great action and drama involved. The boys are jumping from tree limbs to running track and participating in mock trials.

But it is not always fun and games if someone life is put in jeopardy and another is stuck with guild for the rest of his life. The book is very relevant to what is going on now days. There are many cases in the world where kids feel the same way as Finny does towards Gene. They are jealous of their friends and end up doing something mean and feel guilty about if for the rest of their lives. We all know growing up is hard and I want this film to be able to guide kids in some cases to not be so jealous and to take what they have in life and make the best of it. Gene would be played by Will Smith, a funny easygoing actor.

Will in many of his previous films was given a role where he has a great life and then something goes wrong like in Enemy of the State. Will also plays many deep roles where he is full of emotions. But he is known for his action films from the past like Independence day. The sound track for my movie would consist of Korn and Limp Bizkit for the action scenes and Red Hot Chili peppers and Naz for the dramatically scenes. The novel to be more relevant to our time would be changed.

It would be more present and up to date and would be taking place during desert storm instead of a world war. I would add lots of funny lines to brighten up the movie. Also to attract a female audience I would add a little romance into the movie and have finny meet a girl and fall in love and then break up to add some more drama to the movie. As the director I would make the movie as dramatic as possible and full of emotion.

I would create a great deal of action within the film for everyone's enjoyment. This way it would appeal to many viewers of young and young adult ages.