Drug Use example essay topic
Carroll (2000) states cocaine is the most powerful stimulant of natural origin. Most users snort or inject the drug to enable a quicker "high". Cocaine use brings on many health problems. Fatal complications occur from regular use, for example, liver damage, seizures, elevated blood pressure causing stroke, heart failure, or heart attack. Another growing fad in the United States is the abuse of prescription drugs. The abuse is being done by not only adults but by teens.
The most current trend today is the misuse of cough syrups and prescription medications to produce a "high". Other medications abused today are stimulants (Ritalin), and (Xanax). Health Watch (2004) state girls tend to lean towards the medications which are like 'hypnotics' while boys lean towards the stimulants. Opioids, OxyContin and Vicodin, are also common among teens. Addiction to is very likely when used on a regular basis. Each of these different abuses among teens cause several health risks some being insomnia, addiction, and nausea.
Marijuana has become one of the most controversial drugs used today and in the past. Many claim fame to the medicinal purposes of marijuana as to why the drug should be legalized. Today the effects of marijuana use are more known. According to Carroll (2000), marijuana contains 50 percent more cancer causing hydrocarbons than cigarettes. Blood pressure is affected by the use along with sexual function. The abuse of marijuana is one from the past and continues to be a trend in today's time.
An epidemic of marijuana smoking began by 1935, which caused laws to be enacted against the use of marijuana not for medical use. Heroin use has changed over the years. Injection is the best way to administer higher levels of heroin in the body. Along with cocaine users, heroin users also fear contracting the AIDS virus from needles. The fear has led heroin addicts to snorting the drug thru the nasal passages and smoking the drug. Heroin is highly addictive and is one drug many have a hard time withdrawing from and staying clean.
Withdrawal from heroin can sometimes take several weeks or months. Respiratory depression, nausea, and other health problems related to opioid's are normal health problems associated with heroin use. The use of methamphetamine, known mainly as "meth" was first known in the late 1980's. The crystal form is cooked and smoked as crack cocaine is used. Methamphetamine in the past was injected, but as the other drugs discussed users fear the risks of "dirty needles" and now smoke the drug. Problems associated with methamphetamine's include high blood pressure, and heart failure.
Among the side effects of the abuse, which are not fatal, are dry mouth, sweating, headaches, and sleeplessness. Many users will use this drug in binges and go for weeks without eating or sleeping. This use causes the person to increase the tolerance of the drug and need more when consumed. In summary, drug use has changed in some ways, and in some ways, the use has stayed the same. Marijuana is one drug where the abuse has stayed the same with the push to legalizing the drug showing the youth that it is acceptable to use marijuana. Cocaine and heroin use has changed over the years due to the fears of "dirty needles" and the fear of contracting the AIDS virus.
Users are consorting to snorting or smoking the drug to eliminate the fear..