Due To The Existence Of Evil Gods example essay topic

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Evil cannot stimulate the human nervous system. It is an idea similar to justice, love or any other concept which our race has set in stone as the pillars of society. Yet it is not possible to grasp evil, as you would a stone, therefore there can be no definitive comprehension of what evil is. It is but a concept which, like any other, is relative to human experience. The trust in the judicial system through the eye's of Thomas Beckett and O.J. Simpson would differ beyond recognition as would the evaluation of moral evil through Hitler's eyes as opposed to Mother Theresa's.

"The problem of evil is of special importance when considering the existence of god in philosophy". The problem lies not with evil but with our comprehension of the concept. This comprehension varies from one culture to the next, evil shifts its meaning throughout the world, depending on what religious agenda you happen to be force fed? In this assignment I intend to dissect the notion of evil, to disarm the impulsive fear which contorts and weakens the mind when assessing what evil is and then to conclude whether a problem exists or not. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. The Babylonian myth argues that evil exists due to the existence of evil gods.

The Greek myth suggests that evil belongs to human destiny. The Manichean myth holds that matter is inherently evil, that good can only exist outside the universe. Then there is the Judeo-Christian myth which states that evil prevails due to human choice, free will. St. Augustine's view was that evil is simply an absence of a good that ought to be there. My opinion is that evil is a title given to the more spontaneous, more wilful, and impulsive and even artistic, inventive and progressive dimensions of human nature. Everyone, assuming they had any imaginative capabilities has forged in the depth of their soul some original, dark and evil desire they would carry out had they the will power.

Does this make everyone evil? Not in the conventional deception of perception. You may look but dare not touch or the hand of your respective god will condemn you to spend eternity in your own original, dark hell. Religion is the cause of the ever raging war between nature and nurture.

Our understanding of what evil is lies like the mutilated soldier on no-man's land. It's the side we crawl for and how far we " ve got that determines our perception of evil. Do you crawl to the shelter of imposed ethics or to the trenches of lonely question? Evil is in the eye of the beholder and nothing more. In the twenty first century the usage of the word evil has become a political tool used to manipulate the masses into submission and support.

An example: Ronald Regan's characterisation of the Soviet Union as an evil empire. The Great Satan is the title given to the U. S by several schools of thought throughout the Middle East and West Asia. The leader of the greatest emblem of democracy in our world told its people that war was declared on the U. S by people motivated by hate. Was that "evil" attack motivated by hate? Was it an evil act? It depends on whose eye you gaze out of.

Bush and his sheep condemn it evil, the direct opposite of good. Bin Laden and his array of mutton praise their actions believing that in the name of Jihad they have pleased the true and omnipotent god. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Bush and his following squint at the heavens above with the didactic words "In God We Trust" oozing from their lips and titling their currency as they prepare to go to war in the name of god. So, who is evil if both parties proclaim their righteousness? This is, in my opinion, the seed of which the Christian view of evil germinated.

Lucifer rebelled against god's order and was thus branded evil. The success of Christianity, and snare of religion in general, lies in the sad fact that man is weak. He needs a crutch to lean on. Religion is the desired prop of most, it sedates and comforts, it gives direction, imposes order and promises eternal paradise in the next life. But in order to obtain your one way ticket to the resurrection you must abide by the decree.

If you rebel damnation awaits. Play by god's rules and enjoy paradise with all the eudemons. That seems reasonable, so what are the rules of god's game? Moderation and blind faith. A system of keeping the masses sedated and orderly. Yet whoever invented the game gave less than sufficient consideration to the fundamental factor which dictates mans actions and inaction's which are titled instincts which just so happen to contradict gods rules.

If you break the rules you are evil. If you think in a different way you are evil. If you are evil you are persecuted, punished and imprisoned. But evil is in the eye of the beholder, so how can one be wrong if one views through his own eye and sees no evil? Mans purpose on this earth is not to grovel like the dogs, apologetic for existing nor is it to flock like the sheep regardless of what colours they bear. Religion has man on his knees begging forgiveness, has man content to find purpose, nobility, happiness, whatever he seeks in the next life.

Man should live life true to himself, discover his own good and evil and break them not for a soul or god. If man cannot or will not then what a pitiful species man is!