Duel Between Alexander Hamilton And Aaron Burr example essay topic

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The compelling and infectious novel of Founding Brothers; The Revolutionary Generation written by Joseph J. Ellis combines our founding fathers weakness' and strongest abilities in just six chapters. His six chapters tell the stories of: The duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. This entertaining chapter describes how duels were undertaken and played out in that time, and helps the reader understand both men's motives. The dinner which Thomas Jefferson held for Alexander Hamilton and James Madison in June 1790. This featured one of the greatest political compromises in American history.

The silence throughout our formative years given to the most explosive subject of all - slavery. This was the most gripping chapter for me, since I've always wondered why the slavery issueswasn't tackled head-on at our nation's founding. The farewell address given by George Washington. It would be impossible to put these profound words in a proper context without hearing about the politics surrounding and the history behind Washington's presidency. The collaborators that worked together behind the scenes, forming strong political alliances and enemies soon after the days of Washington's presidency. And the friendship between Adams and Jefferson.

Ellis concentrates mainly on the letters they exchanged for the last fourteen years of their lives. These letters possess priceless wisdom, especially with regard to the revolutionary generation's achievements. In the famous duel between Colonel Aaron Burr and General Alexander Hamilton, and the controversy surrounding the different accounts of the mornings events. It is believed that Hamilton fired first, but that he intentionally aimed to miss Burr, which he did. It is believed that Burr fired two shots, one of which of which was a fatal wound to Hamilton, entering 4 inches above his hip, ricocheting of his rib cage, piercing his liver and diaphragm a lodging in his spinal cord. It is not certain the exact order of events.

Some say Burr fired and hit Hamilton, which caused Hamilton to fire and errant shot, then Burr fired a second which was also a miss. Hamilton died in the afternoon of the next day, and has been considered a martyr in the cause of federalism. Burr was then treated as the new Benedict Arnold. In the events taking place during a dinner party held at the estate of Thomas Jefferson, between Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and southern Congressman James Madison. Hamilton was trying to get congress to approve his plan to restore the public credit. Madison agreed to permit the core provision of Hamilton's fiscal program; and in return Hamilton agrees to use his influence to assure that the permanent residence of the national capital would be on the Potomac River.

A few months before Jefferson held his dinner party for Hamilton and Madison something happened in Congress that no one had ever anticipated. 'It was and embarrassing intrusion' as the political leadership considered it. Two Quaker delegations (one from New York and one from Philadelphia) presented petitions to the House. These petitions were calling the federal government to put an end to the African slave trade. This was denounced as 'mischievous meddling' James Jackson was positively apoplectic If you take a look at the entwined lives of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

This book shows Jefferson as a scheming politician who believed in the theory that the ends justify the means. Therefore he wore a mask at all the times. He was a two faced man who on the face of John Adams professed deep friendship, but on the back he had no qualms in giving a stab. This chapter is a rude awakening to the fans of Thomas Jefferson as Ellis shows him to be a man more involved in showing off a character which will be revered for ages but at the same time being involved in backstabbing of the unassuming, and therefore inadequate, Adams.