During The Munich Putsch Hitler example essay topic
So he decided to accept the treaty of Versailles' terms. When Ebert agreed to sign the treaty the Germans were furious, they were pleased the war had ended but they didn't want humiliation. Hitler hated the treaty of Versailles, and he promised to kick out the treaty of Versailles as he had said in the Nazis' Twenty-Five Points. People began to believe in Hitler. His Twenty-Five Point programme showed that the treaty of Versailles could be dealt as any other task, and he promised to abolish it right away. The treaty of Versailles was the most important of the Long-term causes because it gave Hitler the opportunity to share the same ideas as the Germans about the treaty of Versailles.
So he took advantage in the middle of a politically de stabilised Germany. Short-term causes like the Munich Putsch helped his popularity, which was essential to his rise to power. Source 3: During the Munich Putsch Hitler said", The Bavarian Ministry is removed. I propose that a Bavarian government be formed consisting of a Regent and Prime Minister invested with dictatorial powers... The government of the November criminals and the Reich president are declared removed... I proposed that until accounts have been finally settled with the November criminals, the direction of the policy in the National Government be taken over by me...
". The Munich Putsch was a disaster for Hitler. People didn't rise to support him. Hitler was arrested and charged with treason.
In trial, Hitler gained lots of publicity and his ideas were reported in newspapers. Source 4: During the trial Hitler said", I alone bear the responsibility but I am not a criminal because of that... There is no such thing as high treason against the traitors of 1918... I feel myself the best of Germans who wanted the best for German people". Hitler convinced the judges, and got five years in prison instead of a life sentence, but Hitler served only nine months in Lansberg prison. Ludendorff was freed with Hitler.
During his nine months in Lansberg prison Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which expressed Hitler's ideas towards Germany's future. In Mein Kampf Hitler set out his views on: . National Socialism. Racism. Armed Force.
Living Space. The F"uhr erIn prison Hitler realized that Nazis had to work in a democratic system to achieve power, than destroy it. While in prison Hitler wrote", When I resume active work, it will be necessary to pursue a new policy. Instead of working to achieve power by armed conspiracy we shall have to take hold of our noses and enter the Reichstag against the Catholic and Marxist deputies". This concludes that Hitler gained lots of publicity with the Munich Putsch. His ideas were printed on Newspaper, so more and more Germans began liking Hitler's ideas and voted for him.
Other Short-term causes like the Enabling law meant that Hitler had total power over Germany. After being elected chancellor there was nothing anyone else could do not even Hindenburg. He was able to pass laws for the next four years without consulting the Reichstag. Hitler used the power of the Enabling Law to get rid of anything or anyone that limited his authority. Hitler made all sorts of laws.
He made a Law against the Formation of New Parties. This meant that the Nazis were the only party in Germany, and that Germany was then a one party state. Anyone to set up a new party would be punished. Hitler was completely invulnerable.
The Weimar Republic was destroyed as a result of the Enabling Law.