Early Greeks Code Of Conduct example essay topic
That's the reason Homer put so much descriptive battle scenes and gory details. This is what they wanted; lots of blood, to go with the drinking and war. It is through this we get our first accurate picture of the times of ancient Greece: A backwards, warlike, perpetually drunk society whose only real interest was to gain respect and honor by killing everyone else. This makes no sense, since if you kill everybody for glory, who is left to honor you?
Anyway, this was the main reason Homer wrote the Iliad. The specific story of the Death of Hector shows tells the story of Hector, who wants to fight Achilles outside the city gates. He refuses his father's request to come inside and be protected. In the end he is killed.
This entire episode shows the way one should act. Even if scared, it is better to die in battle than to live a coward. This was one of the basic tenants of the Greek code of conduct. So, not only did the stories entertain, but they also were the early Greeks code of conduct.
If they were to be a 'good Greek', they were to strive to be like someone in the pantheon of heroes. This honor code was needed to keep the people under one standard of honor and loyalty, and what is good, right, and acceptable. This honor code existed for many years, until Classical Greece came around. From this old piece of literature we can learn about the ancient Greek way of life. It (supposedly) accurately shows the ways Greek warriors fought, and historically, it also tells us some about the weapons.
We can also learn about the code of conduct that the nobility of the Greeks was expected to live, and if necessary, die by. This makes the Iliad the most important, and only, ancient Greek writing we have.