Ebola Virus example essay topic

510 words
Your have sudden fever, weakness, muscle pains, headache, and a sore throat, and that is just whats happening to you before the really bad symptoms of this virus kicks in. These are followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and rash, and that are just some of the bad symptoms of this horrible virus know as the Ebola virus. One of the worst virus that can be contracted is this terrible virus that rips up your insides. This the first time the Ebola virus was identified was in 1976. This was discovered when two out breaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred one in Zaire, and the other one in Sudan.

It was later determined that It was the Ebola virus that cause the hemorrhagic fever. The two outbreaks alone where documented with 550 cases and 430 deaths. Scientist have concluded that there are three different strains of the Ebola virus. The scientist have been able to diagnosed the virus y a technique called ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, this technique looks for specific viral proteins mode from the infected patient. When the virus is detected there is's tricked safety precautions all nurses and others have to go through and do. The CDC has classified the Ebola virus as a Biosafety level 4, which means that the greatest safety precautions are taken.

This Ebola cell is shaped as a long filamentous, and sometimes are also found in "U" shaped. The virus consists of a coiled strand of RNA contained in a envelope derived from the host cell membrane that is covered with spikes. The transmission of the Ebola virus occurs by direct contact with bodily fluids of and infected patient. The handling of chimpanzees that aer either ill or have died from the virus can also transmit the virus.

The way the virus uses to make its way into the host cell is unknown at this time. It is assumed that the genetic characteristics are most likely similar to the other two families of RNA viruses. When the virus gets into the cel it grows and becomes highly structured. The budding of completed virus particles take place of the cell membrane. When a person contracts the Ebola virus they are in for a lot of pain and suffering. The symptoms are severe as headache, weakness, and muscles aches, these are followed by vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, inflammation of the throat, inflammation of the mucous membranes in the eye, bleeding from body openings, and often, destruction of internal tissue.

From the time of exposure to the symptoms are seen is usually five to ten days, and then from that till either death or improvement is usually seven to ten days. It is not know to scientist why not all of the people that contract the deadly virus die, since there is such extensive internal damage. There is no drugs to treat the virus. Treatment today is just preventing shock and providing supportive care.