Edgar To The University Of Virgina example essay topic

589 words
Edgar Allen Poe and His LifeStoryEdgar Allen Poe was a very famous poet and writer, Poe created many poems and stories such as The Raven, The Tall -Tale Heart, The Fall of The House of Usher and many more. (thompson 1) Edgar lived from 1809 to 1849. He was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston Massachusetts but grew up in Richmond Virgina but through his many travels he lived in half a dozen eastern cities. He lived a short and tragic life. His first career was to study in law but soon went against his family and started a career in acting. His critic reviews were poor.

Many critics thought his technique was bad. Edgars father was an actor by the name of David Poe and his mother also an actress by the name of Elizabeth. edgar was the second of three children, about the time that the third child was born Edgar's father died. After his father had died Edgars mother and her two you gest children went to Richmond, his brother William already had been settled with relatives in Baltimore. Poe's mother was in the last est stages of her disease, struggling with two kids, she died. Edgar and, an infant, Rosalie, were orphaned. Poe finally was hit with the of his parents death.

In 1811 on a visit of generosity, Mrs. Francis Allen learned of the situation of the Poe babies. Mrs. Allen had no babies of her own and to that she took home handsome little Edgar. Mr. John Allen didn't a prove of a perm ant adoption but he began to in time support the child, and became proud of his good looks and intelligence. When Edgar was six years old Mr. Allens business took them to Scotland, they lived there for about five years. Edgar per sued his education at the Irvin Grammer School in Irvin, Scotland.

After many journeys through tout his childhood Edgar and the Allens returned to Richmond, Virgina. There at the age of 11 Mr. Allen enrolled Edgar into the English and Classical School attended by sons of the more fashionable families of Richmond. There Edgar began to feel the difference between himself and the others at this school. To this Edgar the sense of injury made its self evident at home with fits of temper and rebellion for which there seemed to the family, no justification. Mr. Allen did not put up with such behavior, Mr. Allen repeatedly reminded Edgar about his 'disreputable' parentage. In Edgar's college years his growing antagonism between father and son, Mr. Allen was willing to send Edgar to the University of Virgina.

Edgar had gone to the university to in fact get away from the Allen house hold. This indescribable social college campus set Edgar in for a major turn around, Edgar began to gamble to where he couldn't pay off debts he in countered, when Edgar drank is sent him into a wild stat of excitement. Ed agr was then pulled out of the University for such behavior. Mr. Allen then out him in a low, routine job at his counting house. This was very humiliating for Edgar and he just couldn't bear it anymore, the answer, to leave home. He left to Boston where he manage to publish a collection of his poems, desperate for money, he then joined the army under th.