Edmond Charles Gen Et example essay topic
He attempted to gather troops to launch an attack on Spanish Florida and pay fleets of privateers to cripple British commerce. These actions violated Washington's promise to remain 'friendly and impartial toward the belligerent powers' which was the basis of his Neutrality Proclamation. Washington devised this treaty, which excluded the United States from the French Revolutionary Wars because America was still relatively young and unprepared for involvement in such international conflict. Reluctant to break his own terms and irritated by such deliberate acts of rebellion, the President, backed by Alexander Hamilton (pro-British), reacted with strong opposition towards Gen^et's demonstrations. Many other French supporters similar to Gen^et had been tried for violating the neutrality, but were protected by pro-French juries.
Washington banned the use of U.S. ports to the privateers, so Gen^et threatened to turn to the people for their opinion. This had gone too far, so the President promptly implored that the French government recall their troublesome minister. They consented without argument, and Gen^et was asked to return to his country. Before he arrived in France, Gen^et was disheartened to discover that his political party, the Girondists, had fallen. This meant that if he went back home, he would probably be killed. So Washington had sympathy towards Edmond Charles Gen^et, and disallowed his extradition.
He remained in America, refrained from causing further trouble, and married the daughter of Gov. George Clinton of New York.