Educators In South Korea example essay topic

645 words
Since the schools are usually not too numerous different academic competitions in virtually any subject (even the handcraft) are held among the schools of different districts. When it comes to mathematics the stakes are getting higher, the winners of national educational Olympiads receive privileged governmental grants, and the possibility to enter any university, which specializes in the subject of Olympiad, without any entrance examinations. Besides, the government recognizes the teacher of that student independently. The award is rather prestigious and allows the teacher to move to the schools with higher wages and working conditions. The rules of the game define the players attitudes. During this process the student and the teacher devote much of their free time to preparation for the Olympiad.

As the result the student and the teacher form the duet, which may last into the last years of higher education in the university. (Kim 30) What is different between these education systems? One can say that the differences are that in USA the school education costs much more than in South Korea. Especially if a student chooses to complete higher education.

Here in South Korea the students get more benefits than students in USA. They have a social security and receive financial help. In USA everything costs, a student has to from an early age start saving money for his or her education. This means that very few poor students would have the possibilities to study in higher education in USA, even though they succeed well during their secondary study. It seems that the American school system is unfair. Off course it does not necessarily mean that Korean system is a completely fair system, but it is obvious that it is far deep in the educational process and fairer than the American system.

(Kae barwon 88) Another impact on the development of the precise science (in particular mathematics and linear programming cybernetics) education in South Korea is the impact of information technology: the secondary education sector (other than scientific research) is embracing information technology more slowly than many other sectors, but incorporation is inevitable. There are obvious applications in management information and administration, and they are being used, as are means of individual communication like E-mail. Less rapid, however, is inclusion in various ways in courses, although such use is accelerating as younger faculty become proportionally more numerous and student expectations increase. The use of information technology techniques to substitute for more conventional forms instruction, however, seems to be moving quite slowly. It is now even fashionable in some way to be the specialist of some serious field among the higher students of South Korea. And the foundation to the future success is built in the early ages and secondary school.

In attempting to draw some conclusions from this study I will focus on the factors of the perception of teaching and learning styles of the United States and South Korea secondary educational system. Styles of learning have taken time to evolve in the western nations. Learning begins at infant and junior school and continues into high school education and thence to university education. Arguably it will only be when students who have experienced a more active learning style in their formative school years progress into university education will we see the necessary catalyst for change. The educators in South Korea and overall Asian region have been through considerable change to some extent due to the imposition of a new market led authodoxy.

It will, arguably only be when the educators come face to face with students whose education began in a market economy when the full effects of the technological and geo-political changes of the last decade will take full effect. (Li 73).