Effective In Cognitive And Behavioral Domains example essay topic

608 words
The purpose of this assignment was to teach me to learn how to analyze my own behavior, cognition and affective states, especially in the area of academic acheive ment. By understanding how I think, feel and behave according to my life plans and goals I can determine what is effective or ineffective towards those goals. By analyzing my own thoughts and feelings about instructor or counselor support, family responsibility and support, study, motivation to complete college, and my selection of a career goal, I can learn how to analyze myself critically. This is an important lesson for life. How do I contribute to my own academic setting?

The question here is: Am I more effective, or ineffective? Would I rather focus on negatives or work to make positives? Cognitively, I am very effective with study; however, both affectively and behaviorally I tend to be ineffective. My motivation to complete college is obviously effective in cognitive and behavioral domains, but in the affective domain I realize I dislike school and can not wait for it to end. As far as my selection of a career is concerned, everything is very effective. My love of the elderly made the choice easy.

My family is very involved and strict with my academics. I am very effective with getting things done, but have issues with parental control. I find involvement with instructors very effective, but see no point in dealing with counselors. I think I will have success with academics and the career that follows. I love the elderly and want to work within the system for nursing home reform.

I need to learn as much as I can to be a good nurse, and that is very important to me. Health careers and other social careers are well-suited to my talents. I am assuming this paper is laid-out correctly. I assume that my answers are real tively normal, but that may be incorrect.

Many times my behavior and cognition do not mach emotional or affective domain. Is this paper completely off-track? My assumptions on this entire assignment are shaky. The concepts of my analysis show that I am socially-motivated and caring. I will work hard for my goals, motivated more by job satisfaction than money. I find this to be true because by myself I tend to procrastinate, but I work very well when working with a group.

I decided on Nursing because of what I can contribute. I can offer reliable assistance, understanding and love to people in the last leg of life. My judgement of my past and present self may be affecting my self-analysis. I see things from my own point of view, thus influencing the paper to look upon me in a friendly light. Someone else could see the lack of effective affective domain activity as an omen of lack of motivation.

I see my differences in how I act versus how I feel as a sign that I have grown up. Effective thinking and acting should have positive consequences in the academic setting. I tend to be very effective with both the cognitive and behavioral domains. Ineffective thinking and acting will get me nowhere. I procrastinate with papers and tests.

That is an ineffective statement; however I need to overcome it or I will be a bad student. Most of my ineffective thinking comes from the affective domain. I think that this may be a sign of depression.