Electrical Appliances With Exclusive Features example essay topic

326 words
Marketing Plan Marketing strategies and plans to achieve the goals of the business. Market Analysis The market is in the establishment stage, this is indicated through the business starting up and the expenses being high. The industry is in the maturity stage but approaching the post maturity stage of the cycle as highlighted by the increasing development of new products. Market research Various primary research conducted by managers and employees at Bjazzy has indicated that electrical appliances with exclusive features will sell rapidly, Domestic research conducted by Ozzie has shown that their exists a significant demand for new products such as electrical appliances with exclusive features and International research, conducted by Worldwide has also indicated that there is a high demand for electrical appliances with exclusive features in Italy, France and Germany. Target market Based upon these research findings, appliances with exclusive features are the target market for. Sin gals living on their own or with a flatmate.

The age group between 18 and 35. Newly weds. Wealthy people. Marketing objectives 1.

Increase market share in the domestic electrical appliances market by 30% over the next to years (we want to earn a high market share due to Bjazzy being a new business) 2. In the near future dominate the International electrical appliances stores in Italy, France and Germany Strategies Products - sell appliances in innovative, eye-catching packages. Price - adopt a price skimming strategy, which ensures pricing per appliance bought. Promotion - Domestic, advertising on all television channels, advertising in magazines intended for the ages groups between 18 and 35 both male and female magazines, design catalogue for the business and send it to some houses in the wealthy suburbs. International - Advertising through Worldwide trade magazines.

Place - The products will be distributed from China by Bjazzy and sold by Bjazzy. It will be the wholesaler and retailer.