Elvis And Chris example essay topic

516 words
A New Turn For Punk If you " re getting tired of played out punk, sold out ska, and eccentric emo, then you " ll love South Florida's coming of age skate punk band Empty Noise. Empty Noise consists of vocalist Christian Montes, 18, of North Miami Beach Senior High; guitarist Elvis Gomez, 20, of Miami Dade Community College; bassist Eugene "Fruity" McGuyver, 19, of Broward Community College, & our very own Guillermo Alvarez, 18, of South Broward High School. It all started with Elvis Gomez. He had been playing the guitar for 5 years. Soon he and one of his peers, John, decided that they wanted to start a band. They got together with another student, Andres, who was the bands first vocalist.

All they needed was a drummer. One of Elvis' friends located Guillermo Alvarez and gave Elvis his screen name. The band auditioned a second guitarist, Chris Montes. But Chris soon decided to give up the guitar for the mic. Unfortunately, the band started having trouble, and John had to be replaced by a mutual friend by the name of Daniel. The only problem was Daniel wasn't going to be staying in the United States much longer.

Soon Daniel became homesick, and again the bassist needed to be replaced, but this time by a well-known bassist named Fruity McGuyver. The band was finally complete! They have been a band for a year and their popularity is rising everyday. Unfortunately, I only had the chance to interview Elvis and Chris: Q: Did you guys have to overcome any obstacles? Elvis: "Yeah at the beginning... We " ve had three bassists...

Sometimes we had to practice without bass, but we never quit the band " Chris: "Putting things together musically and being open to everything... using each others different inspirations to put it all in one music, because everyone has different influences". Q: What do you think about your growing popularity? Elvis: "It's cool... I think because if we grow in popularity that means we are making a difference since we are a different type of punk from all the other bands here in South Florida".

Chris: "I think it's nice to be acknowledged after our hard work in being a band". Q: What is your fallback in case the band doesn't work out? Elvis: "Finish my college and get a good job!" Chris: "College and being a film director or anything on the media production"Q: What is your advice for aspiring bands? Elvis: "Practice a lot... that's what makes you good... ". Chris: "My advice is to dedicate themselves and also have fun if they want to be in a band... it's really a lot of hard work and it takes a lot of dedication".

You can catch Empty Noise performing at the Shipwrecked Saloon in Hollywood or at Kaffe Krystal in Kendall. You can check out their CD at web You won't regret it!