Eminem example essay topic

273 words
We, the undersigned, have committed ourselves to living in this crumbling society. We all know that it is losers such as Marshall Mathers (Eminem) that are at fault for the constant downgrading of our society and social values. Sometime a few years back, Marshall Mathers was born. This day was a sad day for all of us. Especially his family members (Well, can you imagine being related to the sick bastard? !) In the ensuing years, violence, rape, murder, death threats, pedophilia and many other things have been promoted or even actually done by white try-hard-rapper Eminem.

Clearly, he is an incredible loser. Rather than admit to this, he thinks it is somewhat humorous. We have this this abnormal ' man' make our social problems far greater than they already are; and this activity will not and should not be discouraged! To put it bluntly, we have had it. Every person has his or her chance to be accepted by society; and sometimes be embraced by the media.

But when it comes to Eminem – his chance is been and gone! We will NOT put up with him! If only people were still burned at the stake; maybe he could face punishment but alas no! And while we do agree that we have the right to freedom of speech, we do not believe anyone has the right to freedom of the bull censored that Eminem says – for no reason and no gains; save only his financial gains.

We will not accept this or put up with him!