Employee Morale World example essay topic

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Computer Technology Being a kid sitting around with your friends, there was always that one person this said, do you think this will ever happened? When I grow up all I will have to do will say door open to get in my house, everything else will be done for me. now, much to my surprise this day has now arrived. The arrival and utilization of computers in today's world is absolutely unbelievable. Things can be done with computers that could have never been done in the past. we have security systems that don't need keys, cell phones that could go on line, and receptionists are now virtually unknown due to automated voice systems. the question that everyone wants to know is, our we too dependent on computers, and what will happen when they fail us? this is an idea that nobody really likes to discuss.

Going further in-depth with this idea, what have computers done to the business world. many people feel it has enhanced businesses of today's society, others feel it has ruined them. there now companies being run by very few workers due to fully automated systems, systems that need one operator a and it can produce more than that of 15 to 20 a lot of cases. what this does the company's is forces them to put new technological advances in their budget to keep up with competition and be more cost effective. This is exactly why the technology is there, to get one step ahead of the competition, and to produce more product, more often. Integrating computers into assembly lines, batch plants, using them for inventory control purposes, data acquisition, data collection, eat., are all very exciting innovations in today's business world. This does a lot in making our world more technologically advanced, however, what happens to our unemployment rates when these workers are replaced with machines. At this point in time in history unemployment rates are actually down, however I see them doing nothing but getting worse in the near future. in a book and was recently read, how to drive your competition crazy, Guy Kawasaki, there's a paragraph in there about Toyota that has a direct correlation with technology and how it's affecting today's work place. in this paragraph it says", Toyota's introduction of the Lexus line of cars is an example of outrageous substitute positioning. these cars were squarely positioned against Mercedes and BMW. The outrageous statement Toyota made was that its new marque with no track record in luxury cars was good as, or better than industry standards at far less cost to the manufacturer. this was due to the new manufacturing style, and computer generated assembly lines that Toyota had obtained". this supports the basic idea of computer automation with relation to return on invest.

What this idea represents is this; the cost of automation in a facility is very expensive, however, when taking your return on investment into consideration, this expenditure does nothing but pay off in the future given that competition stays relatively stable. being involved with a very big corporation, and being a top level manager, all this does nothing but help the company grow. what happens when your a lower level manager, and this new technology could potentially put you out of work. As we all know, employees are the building block of a company, in order to keep a company going strong, employees must have good morale, and feel that they are important and involved in what they do. when workers starting word that the company may start going to automation, beeper begin to panic. in any company that has run, employment must focus their doing. when automated systems do essentially is, put people out of work. workers just can't focus in the circumstances, and if they do it's surely on their own job security, and if there will be a job for them tomorrow. This technology is affecting employee morale world wide. this is obvious in may ways, one of which is how a lot of production companies are now going to temporary employment programs. these employees are non skilled individuals who merely fill one sole purpose within an organization. iron them for temporary usage only allows the corporation to hire and fire at will, remain more cost efficient with labor, and manipulate their policy where as they don't have to offer medical benefits. this is all very cost efficient and beneficial to the organization, what does this do o our economy? Has its starting affected it? What will happen when it does? And I am currently reading a book that slightly touches the surface of this topic.

How To Drive Your Competition Crazy, by Guy Kawasaki. in one paragraph it goes on to say how in the 50's, someone moving from job to job in a short period of time would be looked down upon. nowadays someone who goes from job to job is looking upon as being normal, and someone who has gained a lot of experience. one tool the lot of organizations are using in retaliation to this problem of low morale and temporary employees is a program called the total quality management system. total quality management does things that make an employee feel wanted and involved. as we know we can have the best of both worlds, either someone who's cost effective with will morale, or someone with high morale that costs a company money. This new computer-aided technology doesn't just carry over into how we are producing, or what were producing, it is also having a big impact on how we market products. today's buyer, is more sophisticated than ever, and is so hyper sensitive to being "marketed" that he or she may be turned off by old school generic marketing tactics and procedures. as we all know, marketing is focused on grab ing the potential customers eye, and letting them know who you are and what you do. having new age computer technology in full force, companies with the right people, coupled with the right amount of money, can create commercials that no one thought possible. these are very expensive, but they most definitely accomplish their main objective... catching the eye of the potential customer.