Employees And The Organization example essay topic
The work environment is wonderful, educational and enjoyable. Organizational Policies In DBS, the policies are an important management tool. Policies reflect the! SS rules!" that control the performance of the organization processes. Every company that my organization has around the world are subject to follow through the company policies.
All employees are responsible to understand every policy no exemptions. They have to sign a document, which states that they read the companies policies, and understand that they need to follow them and will be liable if they do not. The policies in my organization helps employees understand the expectations about the work environment, communicate standards of action and behavior as well as helping new hires get up to speed about how things work in the organization. In addition, it helps increase professionalism and efficiency in the organization as well as to protect the company from possible legal actions. The policies also help management attain reasonable assurance that business risks are managed efficiently as well as the success of the organization. The policies of the organization are developed and operated under a system of internal controls that: "h Protects the assets of the organization"h Verifies the accuracy and creditability of accounting data"h Helps the organization promote effective and reliable business outcome "h Protects the employees"h Affiliates to provide managerial policies"h Verifies that the company is in compliance with all policies and regulations Complies with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Conflict Management Unmanaged conflicts and disagreements can harm work and personal relationships.
I have experience conflicts and disagreements at first hand. Two of my co-workers do not get along are constantly in disagreement. Their conflicts are often caused by communication failures but particularly because one of them does not listen. The company uses mediation to help employees discuss and solve problems between employees. Normally the managers act as the mediator, listen to both employees, and help them improve their communications by setting up rules for them. In addition, to having mediation's DBS has decided to provide workshops in house to help employees resolve conflicts in the work place.
These workshops will start next month and refreshers will be given every six-month to those that want to take them and for those that are asked by their managers to attend. The workshops will help the employees with effective strategies that work in various conflict situations from small disagreements to explosive confrontations. They expect that the long! V term results for the employees and the organization will be! SS less stress, greater harmony and improved productivity!" .
(DBS news letter, May 2005). In my opinion, this workshop might help some employees but not all. Some employees have the mentality that they are not the problem. Organizational Diversity According to Church (1995): We define diversity as an organizational setting in terms of collective of individuals who differ from each other on one way or any number of dimensions. (p. 3) According to Parvis (2003), Dimensions of diversity include but are not limited to: age, gender, race, sexual, orientation, religious beliefs, work experience, ethnicity, physical abilities / qualities, education background, geographic locations, income, martial status, military experience, parental status and job classification (p. 37). Organizational diversity exist in DBS and is one of the many factors of its success. The company is in 20 countries around the world so it is imperative to have people with different ethnicity working for the company.
The unique contributions the DBS employees have contributed to the organization has caused the work environment to help every employee grow within the organization. With constant organizational changes in DBS due to acquisitions and joint ventures around the world the corporation is and will continue to be diverse and successful. In writing this paper, I observed the following: DBS is a growing successful organization, which I am proud of being an employee. It is the most diversified organization I have ever known. It communicates the standards of action and behavior in well-written policies to its employees. All-new hires get up to speed how things work in the organization, it helps them be successful since the very first day they are hired.
The company provides the right tools to resolve conflict between the employees and always tries to improve ways to make the work environment be enjoyable and successful for the company and the employees.
Church, A.H. (1995).
Diversity in work group settings: a case study. Leadership & Organization Development / journal, 16, pp. 3-9. Retrieved July 8, 2005 from Pro Quest database DBS Policies and Procedures, (2005) Fluke.
come. R. Schermerhorn, Jr., J.G. Hunt, & R.N. Osborn Wiley, 2003.