Employee's Attitude Toward His Job example essay topic

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All About Staffing. Nature of Staffing Staffing is an organization-wide function, comparable to other functions such as marketing, focused on solving problems and adding value with a company's human, social, and intellectual capital. Staffing includes attracting and hiring talented people, as well as developing, appraising, and rewarding them through performance management and training programs. Staffing has a heavy legal emphasis, since employment and labor laws significantly impact both employee and employer rights and responsibilities.

Staffing is the process of recruiting, selecting and training of personnel. It means putting the right men on the right jobs. All business organizations should focus their attention and be concerned about the effectiveness and efficiency of their employees specially their managers. The function of staffing has to do with manning an organization structure so that it can completely operate in the present and in the future.

II. Recruitment Recruitment is the process of encouraging, inducing or influencing applicants to apply for a certain vacant position. Whenever there are vacancies, it is necessary to find a person to fill those vacancies. Some organizations do not wait until the vacancy arises, but they anticipate such vacancies and new openings in the short and long run and thus plan for future needs.

Steps in Recruitment 1. Study the different jobs in the company and writing the job description and specification. 2. Requisition for new employee.

3. Recruiting qualified applicants. 4. Reception of applicants. 5. Application form.

6. Testing. 7. Checking the applicant's work experiences, school records and personal references. 8. Interview.

9. Matching the applicant with the job. 10. Final selection by immediate supervisor or department head. 11. Physical and medical examination.

12. Hiring.. Training Training is the systematic development of the attitude / knowledge /behavior patterns for the adequate performance of a given job or task. All employees on a new job undergo a learning process whether or not formal training exists. Learning to perform or be more efficient in performing a job is made easier for employees where there are formal training. For the growth of the individual and the organization, these activities are carried out continuously in many organizations.

The quality of this initial training can greatly influence the employee's job attitude and productivity. Why do we need to train employees? To achieve the following objectives: 1. Productivity - make the employee do his job more efficiently.

2. Effectiveness on the present job - to make the employee improve or increase his skills or knowledge which the training endeavors to help. 3. Qualifications for a better job - to prepare him for another job that is either more difficult or higher in category in order to overcome obsolescence or inbreeding arising from policy of promotion from within. 4.

Morale booster - to improve the employee's attitude toward his job, fellow workers, his supervisor and the firm as a whole. A. Identifying Training Needs Training must be aimed at the accomplishment of some organizational goals, such as efficient production methods, improved quality services or products, or reduced operating costs. An organization should only commit its resources to training that can help in achieving its objectives. Deciding on specific training activities in an organization requires a systematic and accurate analysis of training needs. Training Needs Assessment Methods: 1.

Work samples - these are the written observations. Actual work outputs are examined and evaluated. They provide excellent clues to problem areas and evidence of results. 2. Observation - involves use of time and motion studies or a simple observation of employee behavior. 3.

Key consultation - data is obtained from people who by virtue of their positions are likely to know the training needs of certain individuals. 4. Group discussion - focus on job or group problem analysis, group goal setting or group tasks. 5. Tests - this may be in the form of observation or written. 6.

Reports - include planning documents, progress reports, audits, accident report, grievances, etc., can be used to gauge training needs. 7. Critical incident method - involves the recording of critical incidents as they happen, usually by the supervisor. 8. Personnel inventories - an analysis of personnel history items and demographic information is made.

9. Learning agendas - combines behaviorally based performance appraisals with individual learning agendas derived from self-analysis. B. Types of Training Common Types of Training 1. On the job training and job rotation 2. Vestibule training 3.

Apprenticeship training 4. Classroom training 5. Programming instruction 6. Management development program a. Understudy assignments b. Coaching c.

Experienced. Job rotation e. Special projects and committee assignments f. Lectures.

Case studies. Role playing i. In-basket technique. Business management games.

University and professional association seminars IV. Human Asset Accounting Human asset accounting attempts to place a value on an organization's human asset. It evaluates costs incurred by organizations in recruiting, hiring, training and developing their human assets. Primarily, the proponents of human asset accounting feel the quality of the human resources in an organization should be shown on its balance sheet.

Several methods have been suggested for finding the financial value of an organization's human resources. 1. Start up costs - derived the original costs of hiring and training personnel as well as the costs of developing working relationships. 2. Replacement costs - estimate the costs of replacing current employees with others of equivalent talents and experience. 3.

Present value method - multiply the present value of the wage payments for the future five years times the firm's efficiency ratio. 4. Goodwill method - allocates a portion of the company's earnings in excess to the industry average to human resources. V. Movements of Personnel Since transfer and promotion are such important phases of personnel function, a definite and clearly understood policy regarding them must be established. A company that does not established such a policy risks poor employee morale and high labor turnover. A. Transfer The term "transfer" refers to the shifting of an employee from one position to another without increasing his duties, responsibilities or pay. B. Promotion It refers to the shifting of an employee to a new position to which both his status and responsibilities are increased. 1.

Horizontal Promotion - an advancement in pay that does not involve a move into a anew job classification. 2. Vertical Promotion - an advancement that moves an employee into a job with a higher rank or classification. C. Separation Separation from employment of the company may either be temporary or permanent, voluntary or involuntary. 1.

Lay-off is temporary and involuntary, usually traceable to a negative business condition. 2. A discharge is a permanent separation of an employee, at the will of the employer, a person may be discharged if he is not competent in his job even after an honest effort has been made. 3.

Resignation is the voluntary and permanent separation of an employee due to low morale, low salary, etc. 4. Retirement can either be voluntary or involuntary. It is voluntary if an employee retires upon reaching the number of years of services in the company as provided for by its policies. It is involuntary if one retires upon reaching the retirement age of 65.