End Of The Movie Benjamin Martin example essay topic

642 words
The Patriot was a very accurate movie. It has gone to great lengths to have the most accurate information and to tell the real story, but still make it interesting. The movie itself contains tents, ammunition boxes, medical kits, campaign furniture, uniforms, weapons, battle formation and more that were made completely flawless with help from museums and the Smithsonian Institute (Revolutionary War experts). Also too some amazement, the movie has very accurate weather details.

One of the main things that isn't accurate but was put in the movie to show significance, was the old flag that was ripped but Gabriel sowed it back together and at the end of the movie Benjamin Martin leads the militia with it. The Theme is about freedom, but it is a different freedom then you are thinking of. It's the freedom for Benjamin Martin trying to live his life in peace and not be bothered by war. Benjamin Martin is a well known war hero from the French Indian war.

After that war all he wants to do is be peaceful and live a happy life with his family. He is shortly dragged into the war because the English army comes to his farm and kills his son, so he gets his revenge and returns into another mental state of mind. Martin wants his life back the way it was with his family on his farm and being peaceful, so for this he forms a militia and fights for his freedom against the English army. Benjamin Martin is very intelligent, especially in warfare. His militia takes on many and many Redcoats over the years.

He is intelligent in the way he fights and in the way he plans things out. He outsmarts the English Army by always being one step ahead of them. Martin is also fearless of his death as long as he protects his family. He blows up supply wagons and ships perfectly.

For his bullets he melts little statues of redcoats into steel balls. He spares no one in this war and will let nothing interfere with his want to gain his personal freedom. The deeper emotions in this movie is that Benjamin Martin at first hates the idea of the war but then ends up in the heart of it. Martin's oldest son Gabriel joins the army even after Martin disagrees. His son returns all bruised and battered and is followed by the English army, who later holds Gabriel as a prisoner and kills his second oldest son. After seeing this Martin snaps and goes after the English group that has captured Gabriel and kills them, getting Gabriel back.

In revenge for the trouble the Redcoats have caused him and his family he goes and leads his own militia and basically dominates the English army. The result of all this is a final battle which Martin has a brilliant plan for. He consults with the Constitutional army and plans the huge battle. Him and his militia lead the Constitutional army against the Redcoats. They fire and then retreat back down the hill giving up the field, but like he planned the Redcoats follow him and try to end this war thinking they will just crush them. They go down the hill and then the militia duck and the Constitutional army surprises the Redcoats and ambushes them.

They lose ground but then Martin, with his fearless fighting, leads the militia back into the battle and charges with the bruised flag his son Gabriel fixed up. With this charge the whole battle changes and the Constitutional army gets a second wind and they fight with all they have in them and win the battle..