Enhancing My Learning Potential example essay topic

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Personal Biography (1) My work experience in the Human Resources field started approximately 8 years ago. My first Human Resources position was at a company and my title was Human Resource Assistant. With that being my first opportunity in the HR field I learned as much as I could. There was constructive criticism but as in any job you need to take the criticism and try to figure out what it is that you need to do differently.

While there I tried to learn as much as I could by asking questions and writing things down. I did this knowing that I would not be at this company for the rest of my life and I wanted to take whatever knowledge I had and apply it to any new job I would acquire. Well that is exactly what happened a few years later I acquired a new job with more responsibilities. My new title was Human Resource Generalist. This was definitely an accomplishment of mine. I had been wanting more responsibilities and a new title to go with the knowledge I had instilled within myself.

I had direction and motivation. I knew after being at this position for a few years that I again wanted to better myself but for my family because it was growing and I wanted the best for them. So I started looking and putting my resume out there... Eventually I landed the job that I am at now.

I am a Human Resource Manager. Here I truly learned the meaning of being a team player. I was given all the responsibilities that I had been wanting since I started in Human Resources. Now I know there is only a few more steps until I am on top.

At this position I am able to hold Company parties and gatherings. I go to the Corporate meetings and they ask for my opinions and I in turn give them. My accomplishments with my job title thus far is my excelling in this field. Self Assessment and Reflection Paper (2) While writing this paper I asked myself the following questions: (1) Where do I want to go? (2) What have I learned?

(3) Where Have I been? I want to move forward with the Human Resource Position that I currently am in. I wish to have more accomplishments with my career. I will not be able to move forward in the way that I wish to unless I better my education. I started up my schooling again with the University of Phoenix because I like the schooling and programs that it provides. It will also better me and help me understand certain areas of the work field that I have yet to encounter or certain things that I have encountered and do not understand the all of it.

I am in hopes that the University will help me understand certain things and also help me realize my full potential. I am a fast learner, I have always been this way and this is a strength of mine. Also, when and if I have questions I find that I have no hesitation in asking someone for help or for clarity. I have learned that this is a good strength and that not many have this.

I try to have a positive attitude on everything. Self Assessment and Reflection Paper (3) My personal learning strategy would consist of the following: Enhancing my learning potential, expanding my research and goals and also being more consistent. A personal strategy is so much similar to a business strategy. With these key facts they are similar: they both start with an objective and end with a strategically detailed plan.

My improvement strategy would be (1) maintain more patience, (2) learn how to manage my goals, (3) research developmental skills, and (4) use more resources. There are so many new techniques and developmental techniques that I would like to learn from my courses at the University to enhance my skills. I have learned alot while maintaining a full time job for the last eight years and the last four holding a full time job and full time classes at a College. I have learned business strategies, how to be a team player and more helpful skills that I can and have used in my profession.

When I started out on this path I had to learn very early on how to accept constructive criticism. It is important to know your flaws but when somebody else is able to point them out we have to learn how to deal with it and I would like to think that this is something that happens in every type of field in the workplace. Another accomplishment of mine would be stress. I have learned how to deal with majority of stress in my life.

I talk with my co-workers and superiors at the job. We relate constantly back and fourth. I have also learned how to leave work at work and not to bring it home because this is easily done. I am sure that there are still a few things that I can and should learn on this level as far as learning to cope and deal with stress. This is an accomplishment of mine.