Essential Skill A Manager Needs example essay topic

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What are your key values? How will these effect that you manage people in your organization? Personal key values to me are a set of good behaviors one develops or achieves through out their natural or professional life. A leader needs to develop good values prior to arriving on the scene and just then one will realize that they are very useful to them. I my self would like to become a leader sometimes down the track in a company and I believe I have some of the needed skills to become one. So in the essay I'll discuss some of the skills I have and believe are essential to a good leader.

Personally speaking I believe the 'vision of a leader' is the most needed and most essential skill a manager needs. Vision is something one has to be born with and cannot learn it like a technical area - it is the window to the world through which only excellent visionaries and creators can see. A manager does not use the vision ability just to invent and create new ideas but it's also a helpful aspect of theirs in every area a manager comes to deal with. Good visionaries can look beyond the horizons as they plan and lead people. Good visionaries are the creators of what we see around us - they can turn a situation from a nothing to a something - they have the ability to spot any problem areas and also at the same time figure out a way to solution. Invention also lies in the hands of good visionaries - they got to dream bold new dreams and a way how to covert those dreams to reality.

Vision is one of the key values I posses my self and there for I believe it is a good aspect that will be helpful to me once I start working in the industry. A good vision or any other key value would not be successful or brought to light if one wasn't of the nature of a hard working person. To me good working ethic is bottom line to a success - one can be a good visionary or a brilliant inventor but if they weren't willing to implement those gifts through hard work so they can bring those ideas to life then all those goals they have set to achieve will be just a long process without any backing up. An absence of hard work cannot go for long and people cannot be fooled around for long before they realize that the actions taken by heir leader to deliver a good effort are missing because ones success can be seen in their overall results - hard work of a leader is also essential because the leaders are the model role of the employees - if they are hard working then it's most likely the employees are hard working too. This is another of my key values I look forward to use and implement once I'm out there in the industry.

My communication skills should be one of the values I should point out when speaking of key values. A communication value is I believe the key value of all values - communication value is the line between two parties and a very important one. The success of a company lies in the hands of good communicators. Communication can be of many branches - communication between managers and employees is one of the important ones.

Through communication the managers need to keep fair towards their employees in all that they do, in every interaction that they undertake - as a writer said: It does not make a difference if a decision is not popular but it is important for the decision to be fair. Leaders should also have strong communication skills and fairness towards their employees to bring in strong encouragement into the hearts of the employees so they are willing to work harder and give all their best as if the company was their own. Every conclusion of an effort is based on the overall results achieved - so if the results are good everything else counts - if results are not satisfactory then somewhere along the line something has gone wrong - and who is to be blamed for it? It's most of the time the manager who is blamed for a failure - so it's good sometimes if a manager has help from the side and has not the whole responsibility of a company on his back. I believe a good manager is the soul of a company and a good manager can make a big difference in a company.

Who is W. E Deming? How did he become an influential management guru? Thanks to three men who brought very useful theories to the world of business in the last 70 years or so - the standard of business theories and methods has never been the same again. These three men are Jur an, Crosby and W. E Deming. W.E. Deming is the business guru I'll write about in this essay - he is often mentioned as the 'father of business' who has come a long way over the many years to teach the world with his theories about business and statistics in business. He concentrated on a theory he though of as the most essential aspect in the business world - which is: "Quality of a product". Deming's teachings have lifted the standards of business improvements - starting in Japan then moved to the West countries.

He constantly improved and refined his ideas, also taking on-board ideas from others and seen as the father figure of the modern quality revolution - perhaps the number one Guru. W Edwards Deming was awarded his doctorate in mathematical physics in 1928. His early interest were statistics - using statistic theories of Walter Shew hart he believed they could be equally applied in to non-manufacturing process. These advances weren't as effective after the war - because everything that was produced was pretty much sold - with no special caring of the quality of the products or any other aspect that comes into account. Dr. Deming stated: "The courses were well-received by engineers, but management paid no attention to them. Management did not understand that they had to get behind improvement of quality and carry out their obligations from the top do...

". After the war Deming was sent to Japan as an adviser to the Japanese Census. His massage to them was based on his statistic knowledge he developed earlier. He encouraged the managers to focus on variability and the difference between special causes (easy implemented: changes of operator, shift, or procedure) and common causes (which remain once the special causes have been eliminated - due to the design, or the operation of the process or system). Deming's work in Japan has put them on the world's leadership in international business and industry. His works and his followers in the US attempted to make major changes in the style of Western management.

This is more management-based than statistically-based areas. It wasn't till about 1970's that Deming started making an impact in the West. Dr. Deming stated about manager's way forward: 'Everyone doing his best is not the answer. It is first necessary that people know what to do. Drastic changes are required.

The first step in the transformation is to learn how to change... As I said in the introduction a very important aspect to Deming was "The Quality of Product". Quality is defined as meeting or exceeding the needs and expectations of the customer. They began simply as a method for sorting out defective products from good products by inspection at the end of the production line. Dr. Deming firstly introduced the quality concept to the Japanese... Thus, the goal of a business should be to find out what the customer wants and then fine tune the process to ensure that they get it.

The term 'customer' is used to include internal customers as well as external customers. Thus every work group has a customer - the person who receives their output. Quality management is a philosophy that seeks to prevent defects in products or services rather than relying on inspection to sort out defects after they occur Over the years many books and articles were written about Dr. Deming's life and brilliant advising - he wrote his own book "Out of Crises' in which he summarized his ideas and teachings. He has his famous 14 points, which he believes are the road to successful managing. Dr. Deming died not long ago but his theories and his believes and teachings of how to run business the right way are still living and I believe will live forever. Innovation: Innovation is a dreaming world of a dreamer - an idea that is born from nothing and created into something - a concept that starts from zero.

Innovation of an idea does not necessary has to be a business idea type - it can be anything and everything - but most of the time ideas are invented to turn them into profitable businesses. Looking around our selves the world is an amazing place - fully build an created - all of it started from a simple innovated idea that was brought tot light by the inventors then. There are three types of innovations: Incremental innovation, Distinctive innovation and Breakthrough innovation.