Ethical Values Amongst College Students example essay topic

584 words
Honesty, promise keeping, free expression, and nonviolence, words written by Derek Bok, explaining his opinion on why it is important to teach basic moral values on the college level. It is quite evident that the teaching of ethics has been a controversial subject, but by no means does that allow it to go unheard. "Colleges and universities should be well aware of the moral messages contained in the countless institutional signals sent to students". (500) Derek Bok uses a plethora of sub-topics to explain his view's when discussing ethical values amongst college students. When discussing "Moral Dilemmas" he states "by studying problems that commonly arise in personal and professional life, students will be more likely to perceive moral dilemmas they would otherwise ignore, thus they will believe that every ethical view is entitled to tolerance and respect". (504) Mr. Bok strongly disapproves of settling with mediocrity when discussing ethical values in the classroom.

He feels that neither history nor the classics can sufficiently justify how to teach students to lead a virtuous life. Therefore he feels that once the students have completed their college careers they will be inept to realize the moral dilemmas that will occur within their professional institutions. Crime and negligence that occurs on college campuses is due to the lack of communication between the administration and the student body. Bok clearly is concerned when faculty members or administration will seek to camouflage embarrassing incidents to avoid adverse publicity.

In the essay there is an example used to explain his view more in depth. A particular resident teaching in one of their hospitals was caught sexually assaulting several patients. The board of directors chose to keep this incident as discrete as possible, "needless to say, the lesson conveyed by this episode could hardly have been worse". (506) Bok concludes his statement with what he feels should be accepted and freely expressed amongst the curriculum guide within teaching Ethics in the classroom. He also feels that universities should be the last institutions to discourage a belief in the value of reasoned argument and carefully considered evidence in analyzing even the hardest human problems. Therefore, universities should make these values the foundation of a serious program to help students develop a strong set of moral standards.

Having read, Can Higher Education Foster Higher Morals? , I have established my opinion that promoting the teaching of ethical values amongst college students in the classroom is an exceptional idea. This would not only enhance the students moral beliefs, but it will allow them to feel more comfortable when expressing their views on morality. I think its very important to reflect on issues that society, so many times, fails to notice. I believe that by setting high standards in dealing with moral issues students become more aware of their duties as morally rational human beings. For many students, college, at first, can seem like an entirely new world apart from anything they have experienced before.

Students are free from the demands and rules they were once use to having when they lived at home with their parents. I feel they need this moral guidance to help sustain their direction without making them feel like they still have the stipulations on how to conduct their lifestyle. "As students search to define their ethical responsibilities, the university can play an important role". (508)


Shaw, William H. "Social And Personal Ethics". Fourth Edition. United States: Wadsworth, 2002.500-509.