Every Citizen Of My Nation example essay topic

1,807 words
Austiulism "Walk softly and carry a big stick" was a quote taken from Theodore Roosevelt which would only be half truth in my society. My philosophy would be more like "Make noise and carry a big stick". In this paper I will attempt to create a society where I will be the leader and address all of the aspects of a new society that will combine a few leadership qualities of Joseph Stalin and some of the ideas that we use in today's society. In the following paragraphs I will address the all of the aspects of my society that are important in making Austiulism a success.

Military will be the most important aspect of my society I will use today's technology and the revised military strategies of Hitler to eventually meet my goal to conquer and rule the world before I die. I will use my military like my personal police watching out for the best interests of me. I would also Instill a mandatory military 4 year service duty at the age of 17 with absolutely no exceptions and I would offer huge bonuses making you one of the more higher paid citizens if you were to stay in past your four years. My military strategy would be somewhat like the blitzkrieg that Hitler used in World War two in that I would select countries in a order of importance (which would be determined by the need of the raw materials they possessed and strategic position) and attack them with out a moments notice and eventually conquering them by concentrating all of my military focus on the one country one region at a time until I conquer the world. The difference between my form of blitzkrieg and Hitler's is that I would not spread my forces out over a wide spread area. I would combine the leap frog strategy used in the pacific by Macarthur, where the U.S. conquered one island then moved on to the next until they had the entire pacific in there control, with the overwhelming force of a quick surprise attack used by Hitler in Europe.

Although this process may take along time I believe it would be greatly effective. Once I took over a nation I would maximize all of its resources for the taking over of the next country and enforce the same rules that were in place in the homeland. I will be the sole leader with power over all Government decisions. My government will be set up like Americas Is today with a legislative branch and judiciary branch and a executive branch witch will consist of me. The the two branches would check and balance themselves out under my supervision. Decisions would have to go through me of course but since every single last government member would be appointed by me there should be no problem what so ever with that.

As for state and local governments judges and police officers would be forced to take a lie detector test where they would be asked questions about there loyalty to the dictator. As far as enforcing the law I would leave that up to the local law enforcement. Every citizen of my nation would have a right to a trial by jury. I would also have the final say in all military decisions. The military is also how I would achieve my complete approval of the public. My slogan would be "Its my way or the Ocean" because instead of putting people in concentration camps because of there race like dictators before me I would have police officers essentially be my spies.

If they herd you disagreeing with my ideas you were to be shipped to a port city and loaded on to a barge which would take them off the coast and leave them to die for opposing me. Controlling the media would be the second biggest factor in my society. I would have complete control of all aspects of everything published witch includes T.V., newspapers, billboards, radio, money, and anything else that could help spread propaganda or have my face on it. These would be used in my favor by plastering my face and name everywhere and spreading propaganda that would win over the public. I would have loud speakers on every street corner spreading more propaganda.

No one would be able to turn a channel without seeing my face hearing my voice or reading about me. There would be no freedom of speech or media because this could be dangerous to my overall cause. Education would also be highly important in my society. All children would start school at the age of four which would and go till they were seventeen.

There would be no college for men you would learn everything you need to know in high school then go to the military and learn a trade. Woman would go to college or trade school after high school and hold the more intellectual jobs such as doctors and lawyers where they. This would supplement my need for young men to fulfill my military needs and endeavors. The children would learn at an early age to respect me and be forced to say a pledge like the pledge of allegiance except they would be pledging there allegiance to me. The children would be fed more propaganda through there school books and through the lessons that there teachers thought. The men students would learn the necessary tools to be successful in the military in which they would learn a trade that they could perform in the civilian world.

The woman would either go to college (which would be free) to get a higher education or go to a trade school women would not be allowed into the military. The children would also instead of preschool be forced to attend a school teaching them how great there leader is. I would drill it in there head at an early age that I am the leader and to love me but be afraid of me and the consequences of being disloyal at the same time. As far as Health care is concerned it would be free for all citizens.

You might ask how I would find the money to pay for this? I would make gambling legal and the government would control all betting and there would be casinos all over the nation where people could go to gamble but instead of there money going to the private sector it would go to the government to fund health care and education. So from legalized gambling we would have the best health care system on the planet where things such as medication, hospitalization, and every other aspect of health care comes at no direct cost to the citizens. Religion and Family life would go hand in hand in my nation.

Every family would have the freedom to choose there own religion. There for the national anthem would not include the word god. In it's place we would use my name "One nation under Austin for liberty and justice for all". Although this may sound like I was being referred to as a god like symbol, that would not be the case, I would make it clear to the people that I was not to be looked at in this manor. Because I would believe in god I would most defiantly encourage people to do the same. The government would also encourage a strong family life.

All parents would be allowed to take one day off a week other than there normal days to spend time with there families. This would encourage parents to be more involved in there kids lives and know what they are doing at all times. As far as the elderly goes once you reach the age of 70 you would be "sent to a better place" to put it simply you would be killed. This would help control the population and would be a looked forward to event. The people would respect the elder men and women but when it is time to go there would be a celebration of there life and it would be looked at as a goal to reach this milestone in life.

This would also save money because we wouldn't have to spend as much on healthcare and other needs that the elderly require. As far as the economy goes I would instill my version of the five year plan in which the government would take over all aspects of media, gambling, healthcare, and alcohol and drug distribution. Within these 5 years I would focus the economy on the industrial sector and the production of goods. Although everyone would be free to open any business they wanted (except those mentioned above) I would encourage business owners to create goods that are needed in the war effort by giving low interest loans and grants to those who wished to comply. Due to the fact that we would essentially be at war until the world is conquered we would have to become efficient in every aspect of industry and become self sufficient to a point that everything that we need to survive is made within our borders our within the borders of the nations we have conquered. The government would institute a policy that we will by your business from you for a low cost or you would be forced to give it to us for free.

Another one of my ideas for the would be to legalize all types of drugs. The government would take over all tobacco, alcohol, and drug production companies (legal and formally illegal) and sell them to convenient stores and other private sellers so that people could by them when ever they wanted a fix. Essentially taking advantage of my own citizens weaknesses by making money off them. This would provide funding for the free health care, education, and my military goal of global domination. In my project I have addressed all aspects of society and provided the necessary changes for Austiulism to be successful. I believe that if given the chance Austiulism could thrive in today's world with the strict rules but yet freedom to practice your own religion and in most cases own your own business.

I believe after getting rid of all of the "threats" to my throne and conquering the world under Austiulism the world would be a utopia where everything works as planed..