Every Decision example essay topic

992 words
Ten people sit, waiting to embark On a journey to a place called Jurassic Park. They sit impatient, they can't wait to leave Too see something none of them have ever seen. They " ve seen it in movies and on TV But never in real life like they are about to see. Although it will be exciting to be there, It's as well a dangerous atmosphere; For they all tried to run when they heard the roar But they all got eaten by a dinosaur. So all we know is who they were; Nothing from after or from before But I will tell you what I can guess About all these people, I'll do my best. There was a man who played on the stage And for each film he made, earned a hefty wage.

He was an actor in huge demand Any sum of money would be placed in his hand. He could make you think he was anyone He could even convince his father he wasn't his son. Although in his head he wasn't too bright His personality was more than all right. The other nine like him, and that's no surprise He was especially easy on the eyes.

The man who with the actor bonded best Was a man with a million dollar wrist. On the cover of every sports magazine And being him was every boy's dream. He was a bit short-tempered, but liked to joke They all thought he was funny, even the old folks. Although he could play many sports He was also a gentleman of many sorts. He was quite a charmer, pure to the core No girl could ever ask for anything more. Next on the list was a man who sang And when he did, on every word you would hang.

For he could set the mood of any situation And make something small into a big sensation. Although he was not much to look at His words were rich like butter is fat. He was a college man but not very bright He never studied during the day, but he sang at night. He was rather shy and kept to himself Until he was on stage, then his songs he would belt.

Then there was a man with utmost control Boss of the country was his role. Every decision was of his own He could change anything by making a call on the phone. But that's okay, he was quite trusted And so neat about everything, even his ironing board was dusted. Everything he wore looked brand new It's like everything he wore, he had two.

He had great posture, even when he sat He stepped very lightly, just like a cat. The woman with whom he had the most in common Was a woman who worked in the business of ramen. The business was passed down by generations Her relatives had done all the preparations. She ran the business like no one before Whether it was a sale of a million or four. She ran the business like a well-oiled machine That was kept superbly clean. And made sure that no one fell out of line And never gave anyone a reason to whine.

Then there was a man who gave the greatest gift of all He taught at the end of a very long haul. He would make learning seem fun And children were sad when the day was done. He exuded such an enormous energy He would teach no matter what his wage would be. He loved nothing more than seeing eyes light up On the faces of children who were learning new stuff. Whether teaching to read, write, or spell He did it all very well. Closest to the man who taught Was a woman who had to deal with children who fought.

She had no job and stayed home all day And with her children she got to play. She never wanted to go out and work And deal with a boss who was a jerk. Instead she liked to clean and cook And read the occasional book. Some may think she'd get bored But each day she enjoyed it more. Then there was a woman who worked half the time Someone usually has to, to get by.

But this person inherited a hefty sum When her grandmother's life was done. Although she was in the higher class She still liked to work to help the time pass. She was rather shy and didn't speak much But when she did, she did it such way that could calm anyone And make a sad situation fun. The one who was closest to a friend to her Was a boy who grew up calling his father "sir". He went to private schools all his childhood And was programmed to think that was good. But then he finally saw the light And he ran away from home that night.

So now he's living on his own And occasionally calls his mom on the phone. But he refuses to ever come back And live the life someone else wants him to have. Finally a man who gave his life To his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He joined the ministry right out of school And for that, many people called him a fool. But he knew it was what he wanted And knew the decision wouldn't haunt him. So now he preaches every chance he gets And never swears, cheats, or bets.

He was easy to get along with, and also quite funny And when they passed the plate in church, he received a lot of money..