Every Form Of Marketing Asset example essay topic

338 words
In today's world, we all should not be scared of technology. Technology should be considered an Enabler not as a means. Always creativity and commonsense will be the one that will prevail and would be the source of success. If any body thinks technology is the root cause of success, they will not be successful at all!

Take the case of myself, when i went to business, i bought a huge amount of hardware and invested a lot on IT people and software. I only found that the expense grew! I made sure that from the second year of operations, i cut short investment in IT and fired all the fancy IT people who are not contributing. Made the business users to take charge of the business, Presto, I was successful! management as their route to faster, more profitable growth.

Enterprise marketing management is a system for enhanced marketing effectiveness based on: Capturing and codifying marketing best practices from both within the corporation and from selected third. The Marketing Knowledge Center is a networked digital repository where a corporation maintains its marketing memory and expertise, deploys it to individual practitioners throughout the organization, and measures and learns from the effectiveness of its application in the, marketplace. Every form of marketing asset can be to red and retrieved - documents, TV and Radio Commercials, print advertisements, historical research reports, annual plans, promotion details, and every item that a marketing practioners or manager needs to do their marketing job. best practice knowledge and processes throughout the organization so that they are applied productively and effectively. Enterprise marketing management has In addition to marketing assets, marketers need access to data to do their jobs. The Data Management Module includes an integration layer to access both external and internal data, and the tools and analytics to process this data into information that can be applied by the marketing practitioner. Every data action can be taken from the marketer's desktop.