Every Night Martin example essay topic

1,049 words
Long ago in the mysterious and for boding land of Transilvaniya, a farmer lived with his two sons. The eldest boy was a common child, frightened of his own shadow. But the youngest one, Martin, was unafraid of anything. This greatly troubled him because it made him feel different to the cowardly villagers of the Transilvaniya. All the residences were greatly superstitious, hanging crucifixes and rabbit feet around every corner of the house, to protect themselves against malicious spirits.

Day by day, Martin became a nuisance. His boldness doubted the abilities of supernatural ability. His father and brother became greatly irritated. One afternoon, the village sexton stopped by the farmer's cottage to reminisce with his old friend. The sexton heard the farmers pleads of insanity concerning his son. An idea formed in the sexton's head and he suggested that he would teach the boy what fear was in a job that would make him fear mysterious and evil spirits.

Every night Martin was sent to the cathedral to ring the bell at midnight to ensure safety in the vicinity. He was not alone. A phantom became visible in the moon as it crept towards Martin, creating noises of fright. Martin was unaware that this was a Phantom and asked the uninvited guest to leave. The phantom remained forcing Martin to give him a heave and push to the edge of the bell tower, where the phantom rolled down the stairs and hit his head. He began to struggle to get up, revealing that he was actually the sexton in disguise.

The village were furious that their village sexton was injured. Martin's father banished him from the house, giving him forty gold pieces. Martin set off into the world, determined to find about the shivers. Being alone in the wilderness did not frighten him and even a violent thunder storm caused him no concern.

Untill he discovered a parchment hacked in a tree. It was an official notice from King Vladimir the sixth, son of Vlad The Impaler, asking for a brave young man to travel to his castle to rid it off ghostly forces. For further details he had to inquire at the local inn. The innkeeper and his lackey, a mute hunchback named Attila introduced Martin to the king. Martin accepted the task of going into the haunted castle. He was required to spend three nights in the castle.

If he survived the three nights, he would be granted half of Vladmir's kingdom and the hand of his daughter, the princess. The only dilemma was that atleast a hundred men went to the castle and never survived the three bights with the exception of one who only survived the first night. Martin was given food to strengthen himself, while the innkeeper measured Martin for the size of a coffin, believing he will never survive. Before Martin departs for his quest, he is greeted by a maid who finds out Martin's true goal to find out about the shivers. She also tells him to ask for three things, preferbley a sword, a shield and and a dagger.

The maid's name is Amanda and in true identity she is really the princess. Martin reminds the king but asks only for food, drink and a plate. Martin approaches his first night in the castle. Spirits fly in lament around the castle and a gargoyle tries to kill him. Amanda comes to the castle to keep him company but runs away soon after when Martin battles the Grim Reaper.

Martin throws the Reaper into a trap door and is disapointed as he fais to learn fear. Vladimir is surprised Martin survived. Martin prepares himself for the second night and asks Attilla if he wishes to accompany him. Attilla refuses to and runs in fear. Martin enters the second night. The fireplace comes to life in flames as a group of ghouls reveal themselves from the flames.

They insist to play a game of Skitters (Bowling) for Martin's life. Martin wins all games and enjoys the odd company of the ghouls. But as dawn approaches they fall back into shadow and hiding. Vladimir is astonished by Martin's success.

Amanda comes again to Martin, and tells him that the other night she had a terrible premonition that a sorcerer would come and kill Martin on the third night. However Martin is eager, for this sorcerer, might teach him what fear was. The third night arrives. An assmebly of ghouls carry a coffin to Martin and vanish. Martin peered into the coffin, observing the figure of a very tall and sinister looking man.

The man awakes and reveals himself as the sorcerer, bent on killing Martin. Martin and the Sorcerer battle. The sorcerer uses rays of destruction and unconciousness to kill Martin. Martin discovers his plate and holds it over his face, as the sorcerer strikes a ray at the plate it bounces off and strikes the sorcerer. The sorcerer huddles on the floor in pain as Martin races to him and tries to strangle him. He looks into his face and realises that the sorcerer is Vladimir.

Vladimir wanted to kill Martin because he didn't want to spare half his kingdom and his daughter. Vladimir breaks the spell of the castle and departs. Martin sleeps till the morning, dreaming of failure in his quest. When he awakes he discovers Vladimir, the innkeeper, Attilla and Amanda congratulating him. Amanda announces she is the princess and talks of her love for Martin. Martin begins to shiver as he realises that all this has gone too fast.

He discovers what fear is! The thing that he was afraid of was growing up and falling in love. The castle shakes off its cruel appearance and flowers begin to blossom in Transilvaniya again. Martin becomes king and the castle is his and is now conscious that he has discovered what fear was.