Every Weapon State example essay topic

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Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) or "The Origin of Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions.

Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well. It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution and converted to Christianity on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, a Lady Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope's story was refuted by Darwin's daughter Henrietta who stated, "I was present at his deathbed...

He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier". Marx believed the proletariat's inferior status was based on financial hardship rather than information deprivation, (even though high finance is but a minor subset of total information content). He thought money-proletarians would refuse to fight foreign workers, since they had more in common with brother workers than with their own elites. He never explained how these proletarians would agree with each other, (and with his extraordinary conclusions), without absorbing all the information he had acquired so painfully, and without communicating freely among themselves -- forbidden treason in most cases. Marx narrates the economic shell game that wily bourgeois (BOORJWAH, burghers) play when they inflate the value of their laborers' handiwork beyond its production costs, and enrich themselves at the expense of the proletariat. If upper classmates merely fattened themselves in idle opulence, however, everyone could make-do from trickle-down wealth.

After all, comfort-loving bourgeois would pay a pretty penny for superior goods and services, fully employing the rest. They'd hardly begrudge another few pennies to secure their precious law and order. Weapon welfare states are much cheaper to mismanage than weapon police states, and much more profitable (except compared to peace states). Instead, somewhere along the line, most wealth is thrown away without generating any profit, and never recirculates.

Marx disregards this wastage. Despite his exhaustive analysis, he offers no safeguard against the next rabble of opportunists: Mafiosi, arbitrageurs, Communist apparatchiki, 'deregulated's agings and Loan managers, and like vultures. The only practical outcome of Communist Revolution has been the traumatic transformation of feudal societies based on subsistence agriculture. In their primitive state, they couldn't defend themselves against industrialized nations that nurtured advanced weapon technologies at long and bloody leisure.

Western colonialism was based on the military imbalance between industrial states, on the one hand; and feudal societies and pre-feudal peoples, on the other. Feudal military castes were much too busy suppressing local revolts and peripheral native uprisings to maintain proficient defenses against well-armed Western armies. Subsistence feudalism never produced the enormous economic surpluses, the despised and under-employed workforce and the belching, smoke-stacked industries those armies required. Yet - at tremendous sacrifice and virtually overnight - Communist states produced those things quite reliably, and checkmated Western aggression. Communism is a toxic vaccine that feudal societies must self-administer to immunize themselves against the preliminary assault of weapon capitalists. Recall the weapon maxim: arm yourself to the teeth or submit to enslavement.

Never mind that your enslavement to weapon mentality and the enslavement of military defeat are identical. We cannot choose between national sovereignty and enslavement, one creates the other. But we may choose between the enslavement of weapon mentality and the emancipation of Peace World. The many unknowns of emancipation are more terrifying for most people than far more familiar and comforting versions of weapon slavery. So what? Professional Communists never intended to create a socialist paradise.

This was just another weapon myth carrot held out in front of feudal info proletarians. The revolutionary vanguard's real goal was to crash-optimize homegrown military technologies despite backward feudal populations, (and especially their backward elites). Despite Marx's warnings, every so-called Marxist society has been equally tainted with weapon dogma. Peace idealists were systematically marginalized, just like they were in capitalist societies. Every Marxist society supported wasteful, forbidden forms of weapon parasitism until those contradictions destroyed them. Every evil Marx deplored will exist in every weapon state, whether it adheres to Marxism or not.

ART The phase of modern art known as Modernism was characterized by stylistic innovations and a belief that progressive art could effect positive social change. The movement remains difficult to define because many of its artists did not subscribe to both of these tenets. In addition to the individuality of the era's artists, a fundamental division existed between the abstract and expressionist wings, with the former devoted to reason and the latter to feeling. A final point of division among the artists of the era centered on the need for an ordered, rational society, and whether its importance outweighed the egocentric needs of the individual. Nihilistic movement in the arts that flourished chiefly in France, Switzerland, and Germany from about 1916 to about 1920 [and later -ed.] and that was based on the principles of deliberate irrationality, anarchy, and cynicism and the rejection of laws of beauty and social organization. For the painters who saw the achievements of these great artists, the effect was one of liberation and they began to experiment with radical new styles.

Fauvism was the first movement of this modern period, in which color ruled supreme. Fauvism, French Fauvism, style of painting that flourished in France from 1898 to 1908; it used pure, brilliant colour, applied straight from the paint tubes in an aggressive, direct manner to create a sense of an explosion on the canvas. The Faves painted directly from nature as the Impressionists had before them, but their works were invested with a strong expressive reaction to the subjects they painted.