Example Movies example essay topic

589 words
I think that most of today's cartoon characters and things like them are more out to entertain and educate people than just make money and sell merchandise, although there are always a few exceptions. The reason why I think this is because I think that when someone is creating a new television show or something like it they do it because they have an idea of something they would like to see on TV or something they think children would like. Or for example movies, I think that the people who make them probably enjoy creating the movie itself and have something they think would make an exciting story that they want to share with people. An example of a few things that do sell merchandise but are for sure more out to educate are Smokey the bear, the Power Bug that says stay away from the lines, and Astar the robot who always gets his limbs chopped off in commercials.

It is quite obvious that these 3 examples are for education because in the only things they are featured in, commercials and possibly ads, the message they deliver is always the same and it is to educate about, forest fires, dangers of power lines, and to be safe when around trains and hazardous equipment. Some TV shows that have merchandise and both entertain and educate are GI-Joe, Barney, and Blues Clues. When you think GI-Joe you may not think it is very educational, but at the end of every episode there is a public service announcement with a little skit for demonstration of what they are talking about in the announcement. Barney and Blues Clues are both children's shows that have tons of merchandise out but are also educational and children find them very entertaining. Some of the companies who make cartoons and movies however are in my opinion out just for the money and merchandising side of it. A good example of this was "The Hulk" the movie had more hype and talk than almost any other movie I have ever heard of.

Pretty much anything you could buy that was green had his face on it and if it wasn't green it still probably did. In the previews on television they showed a lot of action to make the movie look exciting, but when I actually saw the movie I found it very boring, as did most other people, the photography was not very good and the only action in the movie was already shown in the little 2 minute previews. There are other movies and cartoons that seem to be more out to sell things and make money than to entertain as well, one of these could be, Power Rangers, this show is almost the same thing every episode and has lots and lots of merchandise, the only reason most kids probably watch it is because their friends do and it has probably no educational value. All in all I do think that there are probably more things that are educational and entertaining rather than just trying to make money on TV and in society today. Although sometimes it is hard to tell if something is garbage that is selling lots of merchandise or you just think its no good because you are not the audience it is geared towards so it appears to be just out to make money, but really the people who it is made for enjoy it..