Example Of Macbeth's Imagination example essay topic

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I do not agree with the statement because I do think that Macbeth was unimaginative I think that he had quite an imagination and this was shown at least twice in the book. I also do not really think that he was a monster he was really just trying to save his own life. Also I thought he was timid because a lot of the time his wife put him up to things that he did not really want to do. Macbeth was portrayed by Shakespeare to be a strong war hero who drove the Norwegians out of Scotland, and caught the traitor the Thane of Candor, when really he was just a timid person who was putting on an act to please people like the king, his wife, and his friends. Although Macbeth is portrayed to be physically strong he is mentally quite weak, and this is shown when he believes every word that the witches say, and he ends up resting, thinking that no one can take him off the throne. Macbeth is shown to be timid quite a few times in the book, in that he lacks the mental strength to do things, so his wife questions his manhood and calls him weak.

After she insulted him, he thinks that he is wrong and she is right, so he go against his own conscience, in the end he was right and Lady Macbeth wrong. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth when the king is in their castle to "Your hand, your tongue: look like th' innocent flower, but be serpent under't". What this meant was that Macbeth looked and talked like an innocent little flower, but under that fake mask he was an evil serpent. I agree that Macbeth was unimaginative to a degree but then again he had an imagination because he saw the daggers before he killed King Duncan, and after he got Banquo killed he saw the image of Banquo in his seat. An example of this is stated here: "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch Thee.

I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight, or art thou butA dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat oppressed brain?" This is where Macbeth is imagining that there is a dagger in front of him. I think that this shows that he does actually have an imagination and sometimes it gets the better of him. Another example of Macbeth's wandering imagination is when he orders the killing of Banquo and his son Flea nce, and when he is at the dinner he freaks out when he imagines Banquo's ghost. Ross. "His absence, sir, Lays blame upon his promise.

Please 't your Highness To grace us with your royal company? Macbeth. The table's full Lennox. Here is a place reserved sir.

Macbeth. Where? Lennox. Here, my good lord.

What is 't that moves Your Highness. Macbeth. Which of you have do this? Lords. What, my good Lord? Macbeth.

Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake Thy gory locks at me". Here Macbeth thinks that the lords are playing a trick on him by making someone look like Banquo sit in his place at the table. This is another example of Macbeth's imagination taking over because of his guilt.

As for Macbeth not being a monster I do not think that this is true I think that he was just trying to save his own life because he had reached the point of no return. There was nothing that could be done to get him out of the trouble he was in, so he had to do his best to continue. It is really just human nature to preserve his life and the life of his wife. I think that the following quote describes why Macbeth committed the crimes that he did. Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name!

Emma Goldman (1869-1940), U.S. anarchist I think that the statement is mostly correct but I think that it could be better worded so that it does not make Macbeth look like such a monster. I also think that it should be reworded so that it makes his actions seem that it was more human nature rather than a conscious decision on his part. Another thing that should be mentioned is that he not unimaginative it is just his imagination does really play a part in his aspirations to be a King of Scotland..