Exercise With Other Activities example essay topic

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Persusaive Speech Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that they should adopt a healthy, active lifestyle Thesis Statement: By recognizing the problem of lack of health and nutrition awareness in our society, and by adopting an active lifestyle, people can see and ripe the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle. Introduction: ATTENTION STEP I. Imagine if your car got broken down one day, you tae it to the mechanic, he tells you that and you find out eventually that this problem could " ve been deterred simply by taking a better care of our cars? Now suppose if this scenario happens to you, God forbid! To your body, the one you take for granted more than your car itself...

I suppose that most of us here, know when it is the time to get their car oil changed, or fill it up with gas whenever it runs out of gas... but what about fueling our own bodies with that energy and stamina? ... II. Most of us unfortunately takes our bodies for granted, we find ourselves busy doing whatever we have to do to keep our life going, too busy to the point that we tend ignore the most important tool for doing so, you own body and health... It is the engine that gives us the ability to do all that we want to do... I have been exercising on a regular basis for the last five years or so, I may have fallen off from the bandwagon every now and then, but exercising has always been part of my life, and life schedule...

Besides that, I like to get to know more about the health updates and news about diets and nutrition, just as a personal concern IV. It's a very important part of your life, or I should rather say it IS your life that we " re talking about. Because nothing else matters when you can't breathe, move, or do all the things that you think your life is worth nothing without! If you would like to enjoy the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle, feel good about yourself and your body- inside and outside- and increase the longevity of your life expectancy. V. Today I would like to persuade all of us here as students- and that goes for the faculty as well! - to realize the problems of living a sednetary lifestyle, discuss the reasons behind that, to start thinking seriously of changing our lives to the better by adopting an active lifestyle, and being more health and fitness conscious. Transition: Having talked about that, let's touch on certain main issues and facts about what the reasons for this del imma are There are number of problems that our society is encountering as a lack of activity. Body of the speech I. NEED STEP I. Our society's health is becoming overweight and lazy A. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation.

More than 60% of adults in our society do not get the recommended amount of exercise. This number is strikingly close to the percentage of overweight adults. B. Expert Testimony: According to the New England Journal of Medicine: "Sixty-eight percent of all Americans are considered overweight, and the percentage of adults who are obese has been rising for a decade". C. we are eating more calories while at the same time burning fewer calories at work and through exercise. D. The American Journal Association published a study that reported, from 1991 to 1998, obesity increased in every state, in both sexes, and across all age groups, all races, all educational levels, and among both smokers and non-smokers. As the authors of the study said, "Rarely do chronic conditions such as obesity spread with the speed and dispersion characteristic of a communicable disease epidemic. II. There are many reasons behind the deterioration of the health and fitness in our communities. A. Lack of exercising and living a sedentary lifestyle 1. Lack of physical activity contributes to an estimated 300,000 preventable deaths annually in the United States, from diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

2. Researchers at the Louisiana State University Medical Center recently estimated that the direct costs of obesity in the United States are at $39.3 billion per year or more than 5% of all medical costs. B. Americans are used to Spending too many hours watching TV during the day: 1. Hours spent sitting in front of the television are hours of inactivity. It's only a matter of time before that inactive lifestyle catches up. For teens, as they grow older their level of physical activity declines and that trend doesn't stabilize until their reach their late teens.

2. Expert Testimony: According to Surgeon General David Sat cher: "Given our national television habit, it is no surprise that we are raising the most sedentary and most overweight generation of youngsters in American history. As they grow, these children will run increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems -- unless they turn off the tube and become physically active". C. American eating habits aren't the healthiest of all, it is a major contributing factor to the problem of overweight and inactivity 1. In the Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health, of the ten leading causes of death in the United States, five are nutrition-related.

Instead of nutritional deficiencies as seen in the 1940's, the national diet has shifted to dietary excesses and imbalances... an example for that is eating alot of snacks, or eating less fat but as twice as much, increasing calorie intake. 2. Junk food diet, a lot of fat in our diets, being on the go all the time has pulled many families away from the kitchen table and into fast food restaurants, notorious for high-fat foods like cheeseburgers and french fries How and where we eat is also part of the problem. Instead of home cooking, kids are eating a lot of fast food, according to Newsweek. And snack and soda companies "are spending hundreds of millions a year to sell you empty calories", the news magazine points out.

3. The majority of us do not have enough knowledge and awareness about the nutritional values of what we eat. Transition: Now that we have reviewed some fo the reasons about why we are overweight and inactive! Let's talk about certain ideas and steps that might be considered to solve these problems II. SATISFACTION STEP II. Joining a health club is one of the ways that we can improve our health and physical fitness. A. On campus, TCC college has one of the state-of-the-art gyms, it is located on the third floor at the Student Center. B. There are different health clubs are around town that have equipment for all forms of exercising 1.

All American Fitness, it has different clubs around town... with certified personal trainers, aerobics class, cardio kickboxing class, other different classes. 1. For parents... having kids shouldn't be an issue to them. example: at the gym that I work out at... All American Fitness at 71 & Lewis provides a day care service for members who have kids... C. Some of the professional Americans can find the time to work out during their working hours. 1. You can join a fitness center or a Y near your work.

You can work out before or after work to avoid rush-hour traffic, or drop by for a noon workout. example: at the gym that I go to, I've know guys from a nearby corporate who would come to the gym at their lunch hour to do their daily routine. D. Our dietary habits will need some improvement by educating ourselves more about the food that we eat 1. It will help to know how much your body needs of the three major components of food; carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Know how many calories each yields. I suggest buying some books about that from the bookstore, or doing some research on the Internet 2.

It is important to know some of the basic nutritional facts about the food that we eat, for example. Get yourself in the habit of knowing the fat-protein-carbs ratio in anything that you eat... have a feel for the ingredients in each meal, E. We have to change our TV watching habits. 1. first of all, I think it would be wise to have enough well to decide to cut down on how many hours we watch TV during the day. It sounds like a healthy idea to shut it off and do something active instead 2. You can combine exercise with other activities as you watch TV. example: If you buy exercise equipment, like a stationary bicycle... it's a one-time expense and can be used by other members of the family, and you can use it at any given time throughout the day... another example: stretching, or doing your abs while watching TV..

After joining the health club, being more active in your life, and becoming more aware of the right dietary habits, you will be in a better shape and more content about your own's lef-image.. VISUALIZATION STEP A. Positive Visualization As I can recall from my own personal experience, at the time before I start going to the gym, I was totally out of shape at the time, totally unaware of so many things that I have learned through the years. Aas I go on in training, I tend to feel that I'm in good shape generally spanking, my body fat ratio dropped significantly, and my flexibility has increased... The whole experience made more aware of which nutritional items are good for my body, and which aren not. It improved my self-image, and it increased my muscle strength, giving me greater capacity to left more weights. B. Negative Visualization Living a sedentary life, not bothering to go out and exercise, and not watching what we eat, will take us down hill and turn us into one of those statistics that we talked about... None of us would like to be that way... you don't want to wait until you start realizing that you are really out of shape Obesity and being overweight are major problems for Americans.

Severe obesity affects the health and quality of life of four million Americans, and Americans suffer increased mortality and morbidity from being overweight and obese. If we could reduce our weight we could all live longer Conclusion IV. ACTION STEP I. Statement of Specific Action or Attitude Change: I am urging each one of us to consider being health- conscious, watch what they eat, know more about the ingredients of what they eat, and start living their lives actively II. Statement of Personal Intent: Your life and your body will thank you for it. Not only can you feel better physically, being fit can give your emotions and self-esteem a boost, too! And studies suggest that being physically active can help you do better in school! concluding statement to recapture interest: remember! it's all for the benefit of your own body... it will make you feel good about yourself... and it will be an ongoing process of development that hopefully will never stop for all of us.

And for us, the students here, remember that to go to the TCC gym and check out what they have there!! IV.