Extra Large Size Condom example essay topic
$5.18 ii. 12 premium latex condoms. They are made for men who feel that the regular and larger size condoms are too small iv. 30% larger than standard condoms vs. Tapered at the base vi. Silky smooth lubricant fro comfort and sensitivity vii. Individually electronically tested to help ensure reliability Disadvantagesi.
Other men may experience slippage with this extra large size condom. ii. Does not mention the protection against pregnancy and STD so Durex Tingling Pleasure Advantagesi. $4.94 ii. Has spearmint tingling lubricant. Lubricated iv.
World's #1 Condom Brand. 100% Satisfaction guaranteed vi. Sensual spearmint scent vii. Each condom is electrically tested for reliability vs. Mentions reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancies and disease six. Can provide 100% protection from STDs x. 12 condoms. xi.
75 years of Experience Disadvantagesi. Not fitted for large size men. o Trojan Ultra Pleasure Advantages i. $5.47 ii. Spermicidal Lubricant.
12 Condoms iv. Only more protection from pregnancies not STDs with the spermicidal lubricant. vs. Has a special Reservoir end for extra safety vi. Ensures reliability with testing vii. Contains Nonoxynol-9 vs. Uniquely shaped for more pleasure. Disadvantagesi. Not made for larger men. ii.
No special taste or smell 3. Reaction to the assignment. o I was not embarrassed at all searching for condoms. I think that as a society, we try to make it shameful to buy condoms but in actuality, it should not be looked down upon because sex is a natural thing and it is best done when protection is used. The isle in Wal-Mart was very easy to find and it was secluded enough that you could pick which type of condom you prefer without many people passing by. I have been to one store before where the condoms were near the checkout line. Personally, I would not want a member from my church seeing me in the grocery store picking out vanilla scented XL Magnums.
The assignment was good but I learned about other contraception that was located near the condoms like foam that kills sperm and Contraceptive film.