Extraordinary In Your Expectations And Plans example essay topic

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Two women apply for jobs. They look exactly alike. On their applications, they list the same last name, address and telephone number. They were born to the same parents on the same day, same month and same year.

Everything is identical. The receptionist says, "You must be twins". They say, "No". Now how is that possible? (Take 30 seconds to think about it.) This morning I want to encourage a re-assessment of your thinking processes and to consider how you might change them in order to accommodate the type of attitude that will encourage and inspire a new awareness within yourself. The outcome, of course is the creation of expanded successes in every area of your life.

As unlikely as it may sound, most of us do not take conscious inventory of how our thinking habits and patterns affect the inevitability of a recurring outcome. My focus this morning is to establish the obvious affects of patterned thinking, to suggest an overview of your particular thinking habits, and to stimulate new thinking. (They are two from a set of triplets). Now if the answer was not obvious to you it is, at the least, your invitation to start thinking differently. Go beyond the conventional.

Don't try to legitimize your old stilted thinking. Insist on training your mind to go beyond the usual and seek out the response that defies your traditional rationalization. You are not obligated to do anything with it. But it is imperative that you determine to stretch your imagination and dare to go beyond limited reasoning. IBSEN: "The majority is never right.

Never, I tell you! That is one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population - the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it's the fools, no matter where you go in the world, it's the fools that form the overwhelming majority". So going with the majority is not always the BEST thing to do The great composers did not set to work because they were inspired, but became inspired because they were working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach and Mozart settled down day after day to the job at hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day to his figures.

They did not waste time waiting for inspiration. ERICA JONG: "Take your life into your own hands, and what happens? - a terrible thing: no one is to blame". Move ahead with a 5 year plan, say it everyday. Oftentimes, once we say things aloud we commit ourselves more seriously to making it happen. Saying something aloud allows you to hear the sense of what you are thinking and it also allows you to release from the confines of your mind, your self-promise. Your vision becomes more real.

It is a primary step in going from a dream state into a realistic acceptance of a plan - however, incomplete that plan may be. State your five-year plan in terms of your desire or vision for where you expect to be and WHO you believe you will be when you arrive. That is: where do you expect to be financially = amount of money you anticipate; acquisitions you have in mind for yourself, what projects you expect to have in progress, etc. Include what standards you expect to have established. Contemplate the quality of life you imagine for yourself, the kind of relationships you anticipate. Do you anticipate having a university, college, or professional degree?

What type of life style are you striving to gain? Do you dream of more travel, leisure, play - boats, cabin, toys etc.? Do you expect to own a business? What number of employees will you have by then? Are you expecting to be a specific weight? Will you have your book published?

Will you be prepared to hold a personal art exhibit? Where will you have your summer / winter home? Will you have learned to play a musical instrument, (which one?) Will you be running a center for kids, pregnant teens, etc. Will you have learned a new language? The list, of course, is boundless. These are merely suggestions to help stimulate your imagination and to hopefully inspire an expanded vision and subsequent list for yourselves.

You decide what is important to you... Re-examine your thinking-style as regards finances. For example: instead of buying a home / condo or apartment, buy a duplex or multifamily dwelling with a potential income that pays at least 75% of the mortgage, taxes and a 10% maintenance fee. Get creative. Brainstorm three or four different avenues you could follow.

Make your overall financial goal at least five x's your current income. Most importantly, zero in on what potential good works you can imagine developing or becoming involved with over the next five years. How do you anticipate being a contributing human being? You should be confident that your plans include the expanded thinking that will launch you into a whole new dimension of your life.

You should be confident you have concrete steps in place to get started responsibly. You should be sincerely committed to making your vision the 'LEAST possible outcome' of your life. There is no one who has the authority to criticize or stop your efforts. Make certain you do not set yourself up to be the one to sabotage your own life purpose. You will sorely regret any lack of honesty or effort on your part Remember; you are no longer ordinary but instead are on an extraordinary venture with a view to living an extraordinary life. Keep looking for the extraordinary in your expectations and plans.

Move at your own pace, but still continue to keep a reasonable pace towards your vision. All of this comes from expansive thinking and we (myself included) need to start using it. So I challenge each and every one of you this morning to think critically about everything. Do not be content with not knowing or not having an opinion about ANYTHING. To truly know yourself, you.