Extreme Examples To Yens Care The English example essay topic

294 words
Dear Editor, I am writing to comment on the article! yen The Mother Tongue! | by Bill Bryson. In his article Bryson suggested that English has a flexibility that sets it apart from other languages and it is the most concise language. These make English is fast becoming world language. As a non English native speaker, who is also not so familiar with other languages that he has mentioned in the article, I am quite convinced by the examples that he gave. It is also very true that English is a common tongue between non native speakers.

Even among Chinese, deal to the million different dialects in China, people from Hong Kong would prefer to speak to people from mainland China in English rather than Mandarin if they can not really speak in Mandarin. However, the examples that supported his thesis made the whole article becomes a patronization of English. Those examples can certainly make it clear that English got its advantage to become the fastest language to be the world language, but Bryson seems to be forgetting that the article is not only for the English native speakers. Although the words like culacino or wirtschaftstreuhandgesellschaft really exist in Italian and German, they are rarely used by Italian or German. It seems that Bryson was just trying to find some very! yen extreme! | examples to! yens care! | the English native speakers and those people who are not so familiar to those languages.

The article of course has its very strong points; however, it seems to me that Bryson was trying to use a kind of negative image of other languages to convince the others about the advantages of English. Sincerely, Joanna.