Family Communication example essay topic

745 words
It has been brought to my attention that families today get lost in their regular routine and forget to be a family. One might ask what a family is. One might have heard that family loves each other no matter what or that a person has to love a brother or any other family member because they are family. This might be true but love grows on communication and if love grows in a family then the family is a bonded family that no one can break.

Communication is something that has been lost in today's world but we need to bring it back in to be lives. Communication can be hard on many people and for that we should open are ears and hearts to listen. Listening is the number one thing in communication may one be speaking to their mother or a friend. All a person needs to do is just listen to their family and try to understand. If you are speaking to some one how would you feel if they just stood their and didn't even "attend" to you. Besides making ourselves present to the one speaking, we need also to make sure our mind is clear and on the person, that we " re not already preparing our response while the speaker is still talking, and especially, that we don't leap into a reaction that cuts off all communication or worse interrupt them before they " re finished.

Be there when they need you and don't close you " re mind or heart make them feel like they are loved no matter what. Give you " re family the time they need don't act like you are listening but acutely listen to them. For example if a daughter tells her father "I am scared about my schedule next year I have so many hard classes. I don't think I can do it."That's silly", says the father, or some such immediate statement, ignoring the daughter's very normal feelings. Picture the daughter making the same statement and the father responding with, "Why would you think that?" The daughter might answer, "Well, I might flunk a class-it's scary."Yeah", the father might respond, "I remember feeling that way, too". And on they go, with the conversational journey rolling.

The father didn't only listen but responded and shared his experience. Listening skills can't be easily learned, but so easily put into practice. Any one can listen with their ears but what makes a great listener is a open heart, one should always listen with an open heart. The father who hears the fear in his daughter's voice, who asks "why?" the daughter might be feeling that way is probing for more, looking for a feeling level in the conversation.

Ask the person you " re listening to about their feelings get them to open up to you. This not only lets you know where you " re child stands in Gods light but also how they feel in that light. And the more we know one another in a family, the more affection we have for one another. From affection comes confirmation and from confirmation comes self-esteem. One might wonder how self - esteem comes in to the subject of communication. If a person opens up to a person they feel better about them self and their decision.

They have some one to talk to about their mistakes and assure them and congratulate them on their accomplishments. This not only lets you know of the progress in you " re child's life but also the in you can trust them or not, for trust isn't given it's earned. Communication doesn't just include listening but also believing and responding at the right time. Family communication is something that should be a part of every family's life.

It brings people together not only as a family but also as friends. Communication between an adult and a child shows the child the path to a better life and a life of truth in the good lord's name. It's just not important to communicate with you " re child to keep them out of trouble and on the golden path but also to keep you " re self on the golden path by being a good parent.