Fetus A Human example essay topic

372 words
Abortion is a very sore subject for some people, and very controversial to a lot of people. I'm not going to give my opinion on this because it is not the topic for discussion on this paper. I know what m opinion is on abortion and I know quite a few people will disagree with me on it, probably more than not. But anyways, let's get back on the subject of does a fetus = a human?

Well, I thought the discussion the other day was very interesting on this topic. I think I would have to argue in favor of both sides. First, a fetus is a human because it is conceived by another human, or survived by another; therefore, it has human DNA, organs, and structure. I think this explanation would be closer to the definition of a human [fetus]. However, I believe a fetus does not become a human until it has been born out of the mother. It cannot live on its own yet.

The mother provides everything it needs to grow. There is some argument on this, though. It still cannot survive on its own once it is born, but the mother does not provide everything to it from her body. That is the only difference in the two. We talked about how the baby was taken out to be operated on, then put back in the mother after it was in better condition. This certain situation could go both ways.

I would argue that it is not human until it is properly born out of the mother by natural childbirth. I think this is a reasonable explanation. The situation of the old man having to be on life support by a machine is not even up for discussion. The man is always going to be a human once he is classified as one. You cannot classify someone as a non-human just because they change or become deformed in some way [as they get older or become in some different state]. This inference would be unreasonable.

And that's all I have to say about that.