Few Of The Animals example essay topic

561 words
Animal Farm By George Orwell The barn door slammed shut as the drunken farmer Mr. Jones left the barn after feeding the animals. As he walked to the back door, he kicked off his boots and entered the house with a staggered walk. He poured himself a cup of beer and drank himself to sleep. Soon after he had drifted off, the animals in the barn gathered and had a group meeting.

At the meeting the head pig, they call the Major, talked to them about the possible future plans of rebelling against the farmer and how his days remaining were few They would have to rear up the rebellion and take over the farm without him. A few days later the Major was dead and the animals met to organize themselves and regain authority. That night the men that worked for Farmer Jones did not feed the animals, and so the animals decided they could no longer take anymore of this negligence. One of the cows broke into the feed bins, and all the animals helped themselves until Mr. Jones and his helpers came in and tried to stop them. Mr. Jones and the men whipped the animals until the animals could take no more.

They decided it was time to rebel. They began kicking an biting back at the men. The men tried to fight back, but they could not hold all the animals. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jones looked out the window, saw all the chaos, grabbed her belongings and left the farm. Soon to follow her were the men and Mr Jones. The animals had chased them clear out of the farm When they realized the farm was theirs, a few of the animals were sent to check out the farmland to make sure there were no straggling humans.

The rest of the animals went and gathered all the whips, bits, ropes and instruments used against them by the humans. They proceeded to bum them days later, Colonel Zamatev received a package on his desk. He opened the package and in the Zamatev would meet him the following morning That evening the soldiers and Allchin beat Major Makatozi severely, but still he managed to escape later that night when all the men were drunk. He was a hunted man again in the vast forest of Siberia. For three to four weeks he traveled, hiding from the search planes that flew over head. Finally he reached the coast.

From the coast he could see Alaska, his home country. He met a man there that had a kayak and he asked if he could use it to get to America. The man agreed; however the badly beaten Major decided that he had some things that he still needed to take care of before he could return home. He left the kayak where he would be able to find it later and return to the woods to hunt down Alekhin, the man who hunted him for months. A few package was the scalp of Alekhin. Attached was a note from the American, which read, "This is the tradition of my people.

In my lifetime I will take two – but this is the first. '.